Customs and Broker Center Client (TBTs-Client)
Consulting, including managerial and personnel
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
105005, Elizavetinsky Lane 12, building 1
Top managers:
Volochiyenko Andrey Viktorovich
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
105005, Elizavetinsky Lane 12, building 1
Top managers:
Volochiyenko Andrey Viktorovich
Tamozhenno-Brokersky Centre-Client (TBTs-Client LLC) - the all-Russian customs representative.
TBTs-Client LLC provides to consignors, consignees, their representatives, the forwarding organizations a full range of logistics and customs and broker services in a chain "the client – transportation of a load - customs".
Branches of the company:
- Central customs authority
- Belgorod
- Bryansk
- Valuyki
- Voronezh
- Moscow
- Northwestern Customs Office
- Buslovsky railway St.
- Vyborg
- Kaliningrad
- Seaport Ust-Luga
- Pechora
- Pskov
- Pytalovo
- Sal of railway St.
- St. Petersburg
- Sebezh
- Southern customs authority
- Astrakhan
- Gukovo
- Martsevo
- Rostov-on-Don
- North Kavkazky management
- Derbent
- Makhachkala
- Volga customs authority
- Volgograd
- Nizhny Novgorod
- Orenburg
- Perm
- Samara
- Saratov
- Ulyanovsk
- Ufa
- Ural customs authority
- Yekaterinburg
- Kartala
- Chelyabinsk
- Siberian customs authority
- Zabaykalsk
- Kemerovo
- Krasnoyarsk
- Naushki
- Novosibirsk
- Omsk
- Cheeta
- Far East customs authority
- Vanino
- Vladivostok
- Grodekovo
- Nakhodka
- Representation in People's Republic of China
- Beijing