DSU (Dagestan State University)
Science and education
Since 1931
North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation
367000, Gadzhiyev St., of a 43-
Since 1931
North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation
367000, Gadzhiyev St., of a 43-
The Dagestan state university — one universities in Dagestan, the large scientific and cultural center. It is founded in 1931 as the Dagestan state teacher training college, till 1957 bore a name of the national poet of Dagestan Suleyman Stalsky.
For July, 2018 DGU includes 16 scientific and education centers, 17 faculties, 97 departments, 4 branches, 2 museums (biological and historical), a main library, the biological station and planetarium. In staff of the university about 3000 teachers and employees work.
Faculties DGU
- Biological faculty
- Department of history
- Faculty of mathematics and computer sciences
- Faculty of information science and information technologies
- Social faculty
- Faculty of oriental studies
- Faculty of foreign languages
- Faculty of culture
- Faculty of advanced training
- Faculty of psychology and philosophy
- Ekologo-geografichesky faculty
- Physical faculty
- Philological faculty
- Faculty of Management
- Chemical faculty
- Economics department
- Legal institute