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DataSpace DataSpace Partners


Information Technology
Since 2009
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
115088, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St. 13 building 62


Dataspeis Partners (Cyprus) Limited
Russia Partners
According to OPIC, DSP is owned by two private American investment funds - Russia Partners II and Russia Partners III, in turn managed by Russia Partners Management and Siguler Guff & Company.
Revenue Ths. rub


+ Dataspeis Partners (Cyprus) Limited

DataSpace Partners LLC provides colocation services based on its own data center in Moscow. Dataspeis Partners LLC was established in 2009 with the financial support of the Russia Partners Fund to "meet the demand for high-quality services for the placement of IT equipment (colocation) in Moscow." It provides services based on its own data center DataSpace.


2024: How the demand for clouds in Russia is changing

TAdviser Konstantin Simonov The Chief information officer of DataSpace, a leading DPC commercial and supplier operator, spoke about what other factors influence the market, which segments of cloud services are most popular, who needs them the most. cloud services Read more here.

2023: Participation in TAdviser Summit

Konstantin Simonov, Director of the Information Technology Department of the leading Moscow commercial data center DataSpace, will talk about a strategic approach to deploying IT infrastructure in a hybrid cloud-based commercial data center as part of his May 30 speech at the TAdviser Summit 2023. Read more here.


The total area of ​ ​ the DataSpace data center is 6,200 square meters.

The total area of ​ ​ the data center is 6,200 sq.m. As of 2015, it included 12 machine rooms designed to accommodate 1,100 racks.

DataSpace data center is located near the center of Moscow on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya street (2015)

Property insurance in SC "Alliance"

Logo in 2015

On December 24, 2015, DataSpace announced the extension of the property insurance contract with Alliance IC.

In 2015, in addition to property, DataSpace insured "Alliance" civil liability. The concluded property insurance contract covers the risks of interruption in operating activities and terrorism. Under the agreement, the equipment DPC and the building of the data center with a total area of ​ ​ more than 6 thousand meters of ² are insured. The UK "Alliance" also insured the civil liability of DataSpace for causing harm to third parties.

The total insurance amount under the contracts amounted to ~ $119.3 million.

author = Anna Gerastovskaya, Director of Real Estate and Asset Management at DataSpace
Among the customers who have chosen a highly reliable DataSpace site for accommodation are leading Russian and international companies, financial organizations and telecommunications service providers. Today among them: Tinkoff Bank, East Express Bank, Moscow Exchange and many others. And when choosing an insurance company, it was important for us not to formally conclude a contract, but to choose a reliable partner who could take responsibility for insurance risks in case of any unforeseen situations. That is why we carefully studied the insurance market and chose the best offer for ourselves, both in terms of the set of insurance products and in terms of the provider.

author = Sergey Khudyakov, Deputy General Director, Director for Corporate Insurance of Alliance IC
We live in a period of rapid development of information technology, and our company, as a representative of the insurance industry, creates and regularly updates products for the IT sector, using the solid experience and experience of its shareholder. I am very glad that DataSpace again entrusted us with the protection of its property and equipment of its partners, and also chose our coverage of civil liability risks.


Eighth place among the largest commercial data centers in Russia

According to the CNews rating for 2014[1], the DataSpace data center ranks eighth among the largest commercial data centers in Russia.

The company says that their data center was the first data center in Russia and continental Europe to receive all three Tier III certificates from the Uptime Institute: for design documentation, built facility and operation.

Loss of 3.27 billion rubles

According to the Contour-Focus database, according to the results of 2014, Dataspeis Partners suffered a net loss of 3.27 billion rubles. The company's revenue for the reporting period amounted to about 175 million rubles. At the time of the release of the report on this on the TAdviser portal in October, Dataspeis Partners did not comment on the financial performance. Later, representatives of the company decided to explain what the negative result at the end of the year is connected with.

Dataspeis Partners told TAdviser that long-term project financing in Russia is at an early stage of development, and the Russian credit market is dominated by short-term investments, which represent profit generation as soon as possible, and investing in long-term investment projects is an exception rather than a rule. The company believes that from here there is a misunderstanding of the goals, stages, phases and structure of direct investment and, as a result, an erroneous interpretation of the results of the activities of data center operator companies, which are formed in the first years of commercial operation of the facility, especially when evaluating the results at the end of the first phase of the investment project, which is based on the construction and operation of several data centers.

investment performance assessment is determined after passing the breakeven point in the operation phase and exit phase - in accordance with the strategies and scenarios outlined in the consolidated business model that was built and is currently being implemented by a group of foreign investors," TAdviser said in Dataspace Partners.

The company said that the assets of DataSpace Partners LLC are international long-term direct investments, the strategy of which involves the implementation of production, commercial and financial programs with long planning horizons, through the further development and strengthening of the company's position in the Russian and international data center markets. According to representatives of DataSpace Partners, the first stage of the long-term investment program is currently completed, and DataSpace1 is the only data center in Russia with direct ownership of the land, building and all infrastructure.

"At the DataSpace1 design stage, we set the task to build and commission a data center with a level of reliability and fault tolerance that would meet world standards and the needs of the most demanding consumers of services in this segment. The achievement of the set goals is confirmed by the Tier III Operational Sustainability-Gold certificate from the Uptime Institute and three years of trouble-free operation of the data center, "the company says.

DataSpace Partners added that in order to ensure effective dynamics in subsequent phases of the long-term project cycle, their company will continue to invest in the creation, construction and operation of fixed assets, as well as land plots for these facilities and other related items.

Earlier , Dmitry Komissarov, CEO of New Cloud Technologies, who in the past led the IBS DataFort data center , cited data that the cost of building data centers (without the cost of a building) for economical players in 2014 was at the level of $22-25 thousand per rack. For many, the costs are $40 thousand per rack, and for DataSpace, according to sources in the market, reached $100 thousand, which is much higher than average, he said.

"Probably, DataSpace was built without caring about savings, Komissarov suggests: the data center was created by American designers and engineers who did not work in Russia, who, apparently, were guided by the cost from the recommendations of the Uptime Institute. Russian commercial data centers, in his opinion, optimize the estimate, "Komissarov suggested

The largest provider of commercial data centers in Russia , DataLine, also suffered losses in 2014, which explained them to TAdviser by a sharp increase in the dollar and euro exchange rate (one-time exchange rate differences) and the commissioning of the first stage of the new NORD 4 data center by 2000 racks.

Komissarov believes that construction with large expenses in foreign currency does suffer losses. If we analyze the data on DataLine turnover (revenue of 1.8 billion rubles for 2014, 3200 racks, and 70% of the turnover from equipment placement services), this gives an approximate cost of renting one rack of about 40 thousand rubles. per month (about $600 in terms of dollars). Currently, income of 40 thousand rubles. from the counter per month, like DataLine, is the margin of profitability, the expert believes.

The survival of providers, according to Komissarov, will depend on an increase in the share of services with high margins in its turnover. These, for example, include equipment rental, monitoring, backup, system administration, virtualization.

2013: Net loss - about 815 million rubles.

At the end of 2013, the net loss of Dataspeis Partners amounted to about 815 million rubles, revenue - 62.8 million rubles. (data from the Contour-Focus database).

2012: Loss - RUB 323.9 mln

In 2012, the company suffered losses in the amount of 323.9 million rubles. with revenue of about 7.5 million rubles. (data from the Contour-Focus database).

2011: Plan for the commissioning of the first data center in Moscow

In April 2011, it became known that no later than autumn 2011, the first data center of Data Space Partners (DSP) will be put into commercial operation in Moscow. It is located in the Southeast of Moscow in 27 buildings on the territory of the Moscow Tire Plant on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street. This address is listed on the Uptime Institute (UTI) website, where the project is on the list of data centers whose design has been certified by Tier3. The remaining three Russian data centers in this list are still undergoing such certification.

In 2011, Dataspeis Partners reported Investments[2]first 5 years it is planned to invest more than $600 million to develop and manage world-class data centers in the Moscow constellation market.


In October 2010, the US government agency OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) officially announced a loan of $150 million for the construction of new data centers in the Moscow industrial zone. OPIC's current situation with data centers in Moscow was sad and stated that such construction "stimulates the sale of American products and services to Russian end consumers, the project will support both innovations in Russia and imports from the United States[3].

Disclosing information about the Russian project, OPIC called the total cost of design, construction and maintenance of data centers in Moscow and its environs - $604 million. It also says that a $150 million loan is long money issued for a period of 10 years.

The chief engineer of the data center was Sean McLoughlin, as stated in the resume on his website. In the same place, he calls the design of the data center the first UTI certified Tier3 in Eastern Europe. He estimates the project budget at $70 million. According to McLachlin, in 2011 the construction of two more data centers of the same class will begin, the total budget of three events will be $250 million.

Dmitry Komissarov, the former general director of DataFort, knows about the participation of the engineer in the project. 'McLachlin speaks Russian and this is not the first time he has worked in Russia,' he told CNews. - The general contractor was the American Mercury, the HP structure also participated in the design development (meaning the EYP purchased by the vendor in 2007, now Critical Facilities Services in HP - approx. CNews) '(April 2011).

The expert gives the project a high assessment, but believes that its implementation due to the participation of American experts and subcontracting relations cost 1.5 times more than comparable Russian data centers. "So, services will cost higher than market prices," Komissarov summarizes. - As far as I know, it is not individual racks that are going to sell, but large areas of the floor. In total, DSP intends to build 6 data centers, the first of which will actually work at the tire factory in the fall of 2011. The first stage in it - 800 racks, another 800 - the second '.

According to Sergey Zaitsev, Director of the Regional Development Department of Stack Group, the data center on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street will be put into commercial operation in June 2011, he also knows about the participation of the American Mercury. - The conversation was about the emergence of about 1000 conventional racks for the needs of large commercial customers. The project has been going on for 1.5 years. '

The expert also notes the difference between certification for design Tier3 and a directly operating center, which can be carried out only after launch. 'In America, data centers are huge premises with a low load on each rack, the price of land allows, while in Moscow the situation is different. If it turns out that the load on the rack will be at the level of 4 kW, then it is not clear why this is for customers who are now requesting 10-15 kW per rack '.

Alexander Martynyuk, CEO of the consulting company "DCs Kvadrat," believes that as a player in the DSP data center market, it is still known "rather in advance." "The fact that UTI certified the project of their data center on Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St. speaks of the great ambitions of the company and the high level of technical solutions laid down in the project, the expert believes. - I believe that this data center, potentially, can significantly affect the redistribution of data center market shares and increase interest in the quality of services provided in the market as a whole. '

Martynyuk agrees that a high-reliability data center is built for the largest corporate customers, and that the cost of services in it will be higher than in existing ones. Sergei Zaytsev, for his part, agrees that the emergence of new data centers will activate the market: "With the growth of offers, demand will grow, as customers will see more options for where they can turn. Moscow has a serious shortage of good data centers. "
