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Баннер в шапке 2

Deiteriy Deuterium


The company renders services of consulting in the field of information security.

Bezgodov Evgeny



Deiteriy — service provider of information security — has the statuses PCI QSA and PCI PA-QSA, Data protection is the NP ABISS organization auditor and the member of technical committee on standardization (shopping mall 362). The audit reports of Deiteriy executed according to the PCI DSS and PA-DSS standards are recognized as international payment systems of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB, and according to the standard of service station of BR IBBS and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System" - the Bank of Russia. The company has the license of FSTEC of Russia for execution of works on technical confidential information protection, including personal data according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ "About personal data".

The company provides the complete solutions in  information security field developed taking into account industry specifics

  • For banks and  payment industry;
  • For retail and  services industry;
  • For the B2B-companies;
  • For production and  construction;
  • For the companies taking the first steps in  business informatization;
  • For medicine and  pharmaceutics.

The services provided by Deiteriy company

  •  development and deployment of SMIB;
  • management of information risks and  business continuity;
  • management of compliance ISO 27001 PCI DSS SERVICE STATION OF BR; To IBBS-1.0, legislation on  personal data and  trade secret.

Philosophy of the company

  • We  are guided by the principle of the maximum practical benefits of results of our work and  we pay attention to each part defining quality of result.
  • We  sell  what is necessary for the client. To help clients to be guided with  our opportunities, we  develop basic products and  services. At the same time individual needs of each buyer remain the main reference point of our sales.
  • We  are open for fruitful interaction. We  look for the new ideas, we avoid stereotypes and  we remain at the same time in  reasonable degree conservative. We   equally rely on  practical experience and  results of theoretical researches.


The international regulator in the field of data security of the industry of payment cards – Council of PCI SSC allocated Deiteriy company – service provider in the field of information security with the status Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).

Now the Deiteriy company has the right of carrying out certification audit of information security of banks, retail stores, enterprises of e-commerce and other participants of payment process using bank cards to compliance to the PCI DSS standard in the region covering Russia, the CIS countries, the Baltic and Eastern Europe. Results of the QSA audit executed by the certified company auditors are recognized as international payment systems of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and Discovery.

Obtaining the status QSA was preceded by the preparation which included improvement of business processes, professional training of specialists and accumulation of the practical experience necessary for the international certification. In particular, two specialists of the company have the international professional certificates of the certified auditors of the information systems CISA now.