Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Department of Youth Policy of Belgorod Region



The Department of Youth Policy of the Belgorod Region is the executive authority of the Belgorod Region, implementing the state youth policy (GMP) in the Belgorod Region. The administration is formed by the Government of the Belgorod region, reports and reports to the Governor and the Government of the Belgorod region. The coordination of the activities of the Office is carried out by the Department of Internal Policy of the Belgorod Region.

The Office is the official representative of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and carries out work in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the State MP in the Russian Federation until 2025:

  • "Patriotic education of youth"
  • "Development of international and interregional youth cooperation"
  • "Involving young people in healthy lifestyles and activities, sport promoting cultures safety in the youth environment"
  • "Involvement of youth in entrepreneurial activities"
  • "Development of youth self-government"
  • "Promotion of career guidance and career aspirations of youth"
  • "Involvement of youth in creative activities"
  • "The formation of traditional family values ​ ​ among youth"
  • "Support and interaction with public organizations and movements"
  • "Involvement of youth in volunteering"
  • "Involving Youth in Innovation and Scientific and Technical Creativity"
  • "Involving Youth in the Media (Youth Media)"
  • "Working with Socially Vulnerable Youth"
  • "Harmonization of interethnic relations"
  • "Socialization of young people in need of special protection" states
  • "Assistance in the training and retraining of specialists in the field of state youth policy."