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Dimension Data Holdings



Financial results
2009 year
Revenue: 4 billions
Number of employees
2010 year


The southern African company Dimension Data Holdings provides different IT services on creation, planning, support and management of IT infrastructure. The number of clients of the company exceeds 6 thousand Dimension Data Holdings holds strong position in Africa, on the Middle East and in Australia, also working in the USA and Europe. For July, 2010, the company worked in 49 countries worldwide.

After the company takeover of the Japanese NTT in July, 2010 it was announced that Dimension Data Holdings will concentrate on development and management of the technology systems for customers of NTT, supplementing services of the operator in creation of telecommunication infrastructure.

Performance Indicators

In the 2009th financial year the net profit of Dimension Data was $135 million whereas income equaled $4 billion.


2010: Transition of the company under control of NTT

On July 15, 2010 the Japanese telecommunication company Nippon Telegraph&Telephone (NTT) announced that it reached the agreement on acquisition of Dimension Data Holdings PLC for 2.1 billion pounds sterling or about $3.2 billion NTT stated that it will pay 120 pence for each stock Dimension Data that for 18% exceeds the price of one action at the exchange. Representatives of NTT said that they expect end of this transaction by the end of October, 2010. In a joint statement representatives of both companies also said that Dimension Data will continue to work separately even after acquisition of NTT.