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Doctor at work



Financial results
2013 year
Revenue: 1.5 millions


+ Bright Capital Digital
+ Aurora Venture Capital

The social network "Doctor at Work" was founded in 2009 by a graduate of RGMUperfilev Andrei and a graduate of MGIMOSazhin Stanislav. According to the social network, 25% of all doctors in Russia are registered in it, the monthly audience of the resource exceeds 115,000 unique users (data at the beginning of 2014).

Perfiliev and Sazhin began to create "Doctors," when it became known about the intention to limit communication between doctors and representatives of pharmaceutical companies. So, according to the law "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens," medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies cannot, in particular, leave doctors samples of their products and give souvenirs. It is forbidden to advertise prescription drugs in non-core media, so pharmaceutical companies need other channels of promotion. 12 of the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world are now paying for advertising drugs on the Doctor's website, the company said. This is the main source of income for the social network.


2014: $3 million from Aurora Venture Capital, Bright Capital Digital and Guard Capital funds

The Doctor at Work social network and its founders raised $3 million from Aurora Venture Capital and Bright Capital Digital (which invested in it before) and Guard Capital. Less than half of the amount will be received by the "first investors" of the company (their names are not disclosed), the rest is the company itself. The entire social network was estimated at $16.5 million. Representatives of Bright Capital Digital, Guard Capital and Aurora Venture Capital confirmed this[1].

2012: $1 million from Bright Capital Digital Venture Fund

In 2012, Doctor at Work LLC raised $1 million from the Bright Capital Digital venture fund, which acquired a minority stake in the company. Earlier, Doctor at Work received funding from private investors: $300 thousand in July 2010 and $500 thousand in March 2011.

In the third year of life, the project became the most visited social network for doctors in the world. In August, the Doctor at Work overtook the last leading competitor - the Chinese network (3 million doctors). The project is the world's largest Russian-speaking community of doctors and the most dynamically growing social network for doctors in the world, the project attracted a sixth of all Russian practitioners to the site . And if you summarize here community members from groups on mass social networks, then under this brand half of all Russian-speaking doctors in the world and half of all Russian-speaking students at medical universities communicate.

The medical segment of Runet is one of the most actively growing industry segments of the market. "Doctor at Work" is in the trend of global trends: more than 8,000,000 doctors in the world have entered the online communities of specialized social networks. 28 of the 30 largest pharmaceutical companies use medical social networks for their marketing activities. The success of the first project is largely determined by the right strategic priorities, including the desire to make the resource fast and convenient for our users, so their number is growing steadily. "Doctor at Work" does not create content, but is the most convenient and fastest platform for communication, generation and placement of medical information.


The Russian project "Doctor at Work" is the winner of the "Startup of the Year 2011" award in the nomination "Team of the Year," one of the leaders of the rating "30 most promising startups of Runet," the winner of the competition Best entrepreneur in the field of media in Russia 2011. On its basis, innovative promotion strategies for pharmaceutical companies were invented and implemented. Revenue growth for 2011 increased by 20 times. Using the classic model of Internet marketing b2b, marketers of pharmaceutical companies received a tool for conducting professional research in the medical environment and influencing the opinions of doctors. The company was the first in Runet to launch an electronic medical representative (E-REP). "
