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Баннер в шапке 2

Ekofinance CreditPlus Credit Plus


Financial services, investments and audit
Since 2015
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
127566, Altufyevskoye Highway 44, 13 floor, IFC Ekofinance LLC

Top managers:
Dulenkov Leonid

The microfinancial company (IFC) Ekofinance (LLC) is founded in Russia in 2015 and provides services of consumer crediting under a brand of Credit CreditPlus. The company has a technology business model with emphasis on providing the high level of customer service.

The IFC of Ekofinance implements the automated systems of assessment of solvency of borrowers using algorithms of own development.

Main products of the company for June, 2020 are short loans and installment-loans which can be issued in any region of Russia, completely far off: online or by phone.