Electronic Krasnodar Municipal State Institution
Since 2011
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
350015, st. Karasunskaya, d. 77/1, 1-2 floor
The main goals and activities of the State Institution are: Performance of work to improve the efficiency of informatsionnogo support [[Administration of the city of Krasnodar |органов местного самоуправления муниципального образования город Краснодар]] и муниципальных учреждений; выполнение работ по внедрению актуальных средств вычислительной техники, telecommunication systems and information and communication technologies of all kinds; communications performance of work on the implementation of a coordinated unified politicians informatization in the Administration and the City Duma, Krasnodar performance of work as part of the implementation of measures to razvitiyu the information society on the territory of the municipal formations city Krasnodar , etc. (Data for November 2022).