Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Encore, Dubna


Mechanical and Instrument Engineering
Since 2019
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
141981, Moscow Region, st. Academician Alexei Sisakyan, 4


LLC "Encor" is engaged in the production of electrical distribution and control equipment.


2023: Start of the second stage of the plant

In the special economic zone Dubna"" near Moscow, the second stage of the Encor plant was put into operation. The implementation of the project will allow the company to expand the range of import-substituting electrical equipment it produces. The press service Ministries of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region announced this in mid-October 2023.

It is specified that Encore has completed the construction of its own research and production complex on the territory of the Dubna SEZ. The second phase of the construction of the facility was completed ahead of schedule. In the workshop with an area of ​ ​ over 6,000 square meters. meters will be established the production of equipment for the electric power infrastructure of railways and metro, as well as urban ground transport.

The second stage of the Encor plant was put into operation
The expansion of production facilities will allow Encor to develop new production areas and increase the production of electrical equipment, providing new jobs for residents of the region. The total investment in the implementation of the project amounted to more than 2 billion rubles, - said the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Ekaterina Zinovieva.

The first stage of the plant with an area of ​ ​ 12 thousand square meters. meters was put into operation in September 2021. By mid-October 2023, more than 100 types of electrical equipment are manufactured at this enterprise. These are equipment for traction substations of the railway and subways, distributed automation equipment, modules and units of functional complete switchgears, as well as other equipment in demand by the country's energy industry, the press service of the Dubna SEZ specified[1]
