Main article: Power of Ukraine
The state-owned enterprise Energoatom is the operator of four operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine. At the end of 2017, Energoatom uses 15 power units equipped with water-water power reactors with a total installed electric capacity of 13.835 GW.
In 2017, the construction of the Centralized Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility (CCNF) began in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
At the beginning of 2022, more than 50% of electricity in Ukraine is generated at nuclear power plants. The Ministry of Energy of the country assures that they do not experience a shortage of energy-generating capacities, and also have a sufficient reserve of them. Meanwhile, Ukraine imports electricity from Belarus, in January 2022 supplies reach the maximum possible 900 MW.
Purchases of nuclear fuel
2025: Nuclear Fuel Enrichment Services Supply Agreement with France's Orano to 2040
In March 2025, Energoatom signed an agreement on the supply of nuclear fuel enrichment services for nuclear power plants in Ukraine with the French state-owned company Orano. This was announced by Energoatom in the Telegram channel.
"Orano and Energoatom announced the signing of a long-term commercial agreement to provide nuclear fuel enrichment services until 2040," it said.
The only supplier of fuel assemblies for the needs of Energoatom nuclear power plants at that time is the American company Westinghouse. The supply of enriched uranium for Westinghouse is handled by Urenco.
2023: Contract extension with Urenco to supply enriched uranium to 2035 g
In November 2023, President of NAEK Energoatom Petr Kotin and CEO of British Urenco Boris Schucht signed a contract for the supply of enriched uranium for Ukrainian nuclear power plants for up to 2035. The contracts concluded in 2019 expire in 2025, so it was important for Energoatom to extend the agreements, the NAEK press service notes.
According to the Ukrainian company in the telegram channel, the contract assumes the possibility of prolongation until 2043.
For his part, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko said that the country is working to increase the production of nuclear fuel, one of the components of which is enriched uranium.
According to Energoatom, after the abandonment of Russian nuclear fuel, Westinghouse became the only supplier of fuel assemblies for nuclear power plants in Ukraine, and Urenco provides Westinghouse with enriched uranium for their production.
Fuel Purchase Arrangement from Urenco from 2026
Urenco, a company engaged in the supply of enriched uranium for use as fuel at nuclear power plants, will export it to the Ukrainian Energoatom. This was agreed in December 2022 by the president of Energoatom Petro Kotin and the chief executive officer of Urenco Boris Shukht, according to the Telegram channel of the Ukrainian energy company. Urenco will supply uranium from 2026 on a long-term basis.
Representatives of the organizations also discussed an increase in the export of enriched uranium to the American company Westinghouse. Supplies are designed for the production of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants in 2024-2025.
In 2019, Energoatom and Urenco entered into an agreement on the supply of enriched uranium.
Agreement with Westinghouse on the supply of fuel to all nuclear power plants in the country and a loan of $51 million for this
Energoatom, the operator of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and the American Westinghouse on June 2, 2022 signed an agreement on the supply of nuclear fuel to all nuclear power plants in Ukraine, Energoatom told reporters. The decision was made against the background of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.
"In connection with the refusal to purchase Russian nuclear fuel, Energoatom agreed with its strategic partner, Westinghouse, to increase the supply of American nuclear fuel for all Ukrainian nuclear power plants," the company said.
We are talking about both the supply of nuclear fuel for existing nuclear power units, and for those that Energoatom and Westinghouse are still planning to build in Ukraine.
Fuel will be supplied from Westinghouse's production site in Sweden.
"At the same time, the production of components of fuel assemblies will be carried out in Ukraine on the basis of one of the separate divisions of NAEK Energoatom, which is currently completing the qualification for the production of heads and shanks for Westinghouse fuel," the company said.
On June 20, it became known that Energoatom attracted a loan from Ukreximbank (Kyiv) in the amount of 1.5 billion hryvnia (more than $51 million) for the purchase of fresh nuclear fuel from Westinghouse in 2022, the NAEK said in a statement.
"The attracted credit funds will increase the purchase of American fuel and ensure the effective operation of the power units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants after the abandonment of Russian nuclear fuel," the press release says.
Refusal to purchase nuclear fuel in Russia after the start of a special operation of the RF Armed Forces
Energoatom in March 2022 announced that it was completely abandoning purchases of Russian-made nuclear fuel. According to the company, American fuel is already used at 7 out of 15 power units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
2021: Fuel purchase for $435 million, of which $158 million in Russia
According to the State Statistics Service, Ukraine in 2021 bought nuclear fuel for a total of $435.6 million, including Russian-made (TVEL) - for $158.7 million, Swedish (Westinghouse) - for $276.9 million.
Energoatom specialists study Westinghouse AP-H settlement programs
Energoatom specialists study Westinghouse AP-calculation programs It is planned that from 2022 the company's specialists will be able to independently provide almost all types of neutron-physical calculations to justify the safe operation of the active zones of NPP power units, which include nuclear fuel from both suppliers - JSC TVEL"" and the company. Westinghouse
By mid-December 2020, a second training course was held for physicists-calculators of the nuclear safety departments (NSA) of the Zaporizhzhya and South Ukrainian NPP and the NAEK Energoatom Scientific and Technical Center on the use of the AR-H (ALPHA-H, PHOENIX-H) program complex developed by Westinghouse. Also, specialists from the ONB Rivne and Khmelnitsky nuclear power plants joined the course. The course took place as part of the support of the safe operation of fuel loads of the active zones of the power units of the VVER-1000 NPP of Ukraine, which include fuel assemblies manufactured by Westinghouse (TVS-WR).
Given the current situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the training of calculator physicists was first organized in the video seminar mode, which corresponds to the IAEA practice of conducting group training.
The training course was conducted by specialists of the Center for Design of Active Zones of the Scientific and Technical Complex "Nuclear Fuel Cycle" of the National Scientific Center "Kharkov Physical and Technical Institute" (NTC NSC KhFTI), which is responsible for the supply and support of the use of Westinghouse settlement programs in Ukraine.
As part of the five-day course, Energoatom staff received in-depth theoretical information and practical lessons on the use of a set of programs. Based on the results of the training, the company's specialists received the relevant certificates from the Scientific and Technical Center of the NSC KhFTI.
The next relevant course will be held in the second half of 2021, and it will also be accompanied by the receipt of certificates and the protocol of the certification commission in accordance with SIA NAEK 064:2016 "Handling nuclear fuel. Refueling in the reactor VVER-1000. Nomenclature of operational neutron-physical calculations and experiments. "
Preparation of Energoatom personnel for the use of Westinghouse calculation programs is carried out within the framework of the creation of a system for scientific and technical support of calculations of neutron-physical characteristics of fuel loads of active zones (in particular, mixed fuel loads) of VVER-440 and VVER-1000 power units.
Recall that the first of the three courses of the series was held in December 2019.
Nuclear Fuel Supply Agreement with Westinghouse
The Ukrainian state-owned company Energoatom has signed a contract with the American company Westinghouse for the supply of unlicensed fuel assemblies for type VVER-440 reactors. This became known on September 30, 2020.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Westinghouse CEO Patrick Fragman.
A document was also signed, according to which the production of fuel assembly elements with their sale outside Ukraine can be partially transferred to Ukraine.
Zelensky noted that Ukraine is one of the countries receiving unlicensed fuel assemblies from Westinghouse. He also added that Ukraine is studying the issue of building power units at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant[1] on the [2].
2019: Ukraine is increasingly overpaying for the purchase of American fuel instead of Russian
In September 2019, the American Westinghouse and the Ukrainian Energoatom signed a memorandum expanding not only the number of nuclear power plant reactors for the use of American assemblies. The national company is considering allowing Westinghouse to VVER-440 reactors as well. At this time, the Americans are supplying fuel assemblies for six VVER-1000 reactors at two Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
Meanwhile, data on the supply of assemblies indicate that American products are becoming more expensive and the price gap between it and the Russian one is only increasing. So, according to the international website of export-import operations Importgenius, on August 1, 2019, the Swedish division of Westinghouse supplied Energoatom with 42 units of fuel assemblies with non-emitted uranium dioxide TB3-WR for VVER-1000 reactors for UAH 623.8 million. ($24.7 million).
Thus, the average price of one assembly was $589 thousand. At the same time, in September 2018, it did not exceed $534 thousand. And the cost of the fuel itself does not play any role here, since this price includes only the production of the assembly itself and the manufacturer's mark-up.
To find out all the costs of a fuel assembly, you need to add the cost of fuel. It is supplied under contracts with Energoatom by the British-German-Dutch URENCO and Internexco Gmbh, which is the Swiss subsidiary of Tekhsnabexport, a foreign trade company of the state corporation Rosatom.
The September declaration provides incomplete information on the cost of enriched uranium, which was used to produce fuel assemblies, but it can be presented according to another document. On February 13, 2019, Tehsnabexport delivered enriched uranium to the Swedish division of Westinghouse for Internexco Gmbh for 42 assemblies worth $16.9 million. As a result, the full price of one fuel assembly from Westinghouse is $996,000 this year. In 2018, when using Russian enriched uranium, it cost $864 thousand, and with fuel from URENCO - $1.1 million.
The difference with the cost of Russian fuel assemblies has only increased - up to $321 thousand per assembly. According to Importgenius, on August 1, Mashinostroitelny Zavod PJSC (part of the TVEL fuel company Rosatom) supplied 42 units of fuel assemblies for VVER-1000 reactors to the Khmelnytsky NPP Energoatom in the amount of UAH 715.7 million ($28.38 million). And the average cost of one fuel assembly was $675 thousand.
At this time, at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, the share of fuel assemblies produced in Russia still exceeds the American one. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, for eight months of this year, TVEL supplied Energoatom products for $128 million, and Westinghouse - for $100 million. However, the gap is narrowing and Ukraine is considering the possibility that Westinghouse will already build a uranium enrichment plant in the country, which is mined domestically.
In addition, American assemblies delivered to Ukraine differ from the Russian level of uranium-235 enrichment. If in Westinghouse products it is 3.48 - 3.82%, then in TVEL assemblies - 3.99 - 4.38%. This indicator directly affects both the heat generation capacity and the burn-out period of the assembly, as well as the cost of production. EADaily sources in the Ukrainian nuclear industry said that American assemblies are still used in design operation mode and Americans are afraid to increase the level[3] enrichment[3]. As you know, the main problem of Westinghouse assemblies has always been deformation, the facts of which have been recorded more than once at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
"As a rule, fuel is always tightly tied to reactor technology. Unfortunately, they make an attempt to enter and become an alternative supplier, and only in Ukraine they succeed thanks to a political resource. Ukraine is trying to go this way much faster and forms risks both technological and environmental, "said Rosatom CEO Alexei Likhachev in an interview with RBC in April. |
Plan of Westinghouse fuel supply to power unit No. 3 of Rivne NPP from 2021
Westinghouse Electric will begin supplying its nuclear fuel to power unit No. 3 of the Rivne nuclear power plant in 2021. This was announced in February 2018 by Vice President and Managing Director of Westinghouse Aziz Dag.
"The newly signed contract is the extension and expansion of the previous contract with Energoatom, thanks to which we will supply fuel not to 6 power units, but to 7. This will be power unit No. 3 of the Rivne NPP. This is a new station for Westinghouse, and we will supply fuel there for the first time, "he[4] begin supplying[4].
He also added that the contract contains a clause on additional purchases of nuclear fuel at the request of Ukraine.
6 of 15 units in operation use Westinghouse fuel
In February 2018, it was announced that nuclear fuel manufactured by the American company Westinghouse, which partially replaces the Russian fuel TVEL, is already used at 6 out of 15 power units that are operated at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
This is stated in the public report of the State Inspectorate of Nuclear Regulation of Ukraine published on February 15 regarding the measures taken in 2017, the results of the tasks, and the use of state budget funds.
"As of January 1, 2018, nuclear fuel manufactured by Westinghouse is operated at power units No. 2, No. 3 of the Yuuaes and No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 of the ZAES,"[5]GIYARU.
Fuel Supply Agreement with Westinghouse until 2025
On January 29, 2018, the American energy company Westinghouse Electric Corporation, which is in a state of bankruptcy, and the Ukrainian state-owned enterprise National Atomic Energy Generating Company Energoatom (GP NAEK Energoatom) entered into a new agreement under the nuclear fuel supply agreement, providing for the expansion of cooperation and the term of the agreement until 2025, the press service of Energoatom reported. Delivery will begin in early 2021, immediately after the completion of the current agreement.
The supplied fuel in its composition will contain components from both the manufacturer in Colombia (South Carolina, USA) and the Ukrainian manufacturer of components. Production and assembly will be carried out at Westinghouse in Westeros (Sweden), where there are dedicated production lines exclusively for the production of fuel for VVER-1000 reactors.
"The extension of the contract strengthens Westinghouse's role as a strategic partner of Energoatom and demonstrates our ability to support Ukraine in energy diversification. The fact that, according to the terms of the agreement, we will receive some fuel components from a Ukrainian manufacturer will further strengthen relations between Westinghouse and Ukraine, "said Westinghouse President and CEO Jose[6].
2017: Plan to increase purchases from Westinghouse
In the general trend of curtailing relations Russia with in Kyiv, high hopes were pinned on fuel assemblies of TVS-WR, produced by Westinghouse Sweden almost experimentally. Attempts to use them at the Zaporizhzhya NPP several times led to emergency outages, since with all efforts to ensure full compliance with the parameters of the "original" it was not possible. In addition, these fuel elements cost more than Russian ones. Experts expressed doubts that after the bankruptcy of Westinghouse, these bold experiments will continue.
At the end of 2017, the company acquires nuclear fuel under contracts with TVEL and Westinghouse Electric Sweden. On December 21, 2017, it became known that Ukraine intends to increase purchases of nuclear fuel from Westinghouse for nuclear power plants from 40% to 55% in 2018, said Minister of power and Coal Industry of Ukraine Igor Nasalik.
"If today 60% is supplied by Russians, 40% - by Westinghouse, then literally next year we will reach a proportion of 55% by 45% in favor of the American company. And this will allow us not to depend on one supplier, "said Nasalik.
The minister recalled the project for the construction of the Centralized Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility (CCNF), thanks to which Ukraine must stop paying Russia $200 million a year.
In January-October 2017, Ukraine bought nuclear fuel (NF) for $381.17 million. For Ukrainian nuclear power plants, Russian-made fuel was purchased (for $244.31 million), as well as Swedish-made fuel (for $136.86 million). Thus, Ukraine purchased 64.09% of fuel from the Russian TVEL, and 35.91% from Westinghouse (Sweden).
The head of Westinghouse Electric Company Jose Emeterio Gutierrez said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine that the company in 2017 will increase the supply of nuclear fuel to the Ukrainian Energoatom to six batches. The company intends to supply six downloads a year by 2020 Ukraine will[7].
2014: Agreement with Westinghouse to supply fuel through 2020
In 2014, the operator of Ukrainian nuclear power plants NAEK Energoatom and the American company Westinghouse agreed to supply American nuclear fuel to some units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants until 2020. This was explained by the alleged need to ensure Ukraine's energy independence from the supply of Russian nuclear fuel. Westinghouse later announced its readiness to become a monopoly fuel supplier for Ukrainian nuclear power plants.
2005: First six Westinghouse assemblies purchased
Westinghouse has been a supplier of fuel for Ukraine since 2005, when the first six assemblies were loaded into the third power unit of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant.
NPP reactors
2025:15 nuclear reactors in operation
The number of operating nuclear reactors in countries around the world according to Bloomberg as of February 2025:
- China: 57
- France: 57
- Russia: 36
- South Korea: 26
- India: 20
- Canada: 17
- Ukraine: 15
- Japan: 14
- United Kingdom: 9
- Spain: 7
- Czech Republic: 6
- Pakistan: 6
- Sweden: 6
- Belgium: 5
- Finland: 5
- Slovakia: 5
- Hungary: 4
- Switzerland: 4
- UAE: 4
- Argentina: 3
- Belarus: 2
- Brazil: 2
- Bulgaria: 2
- Mexico: 2
- Romania: 2
- South Africa: 2
- Armenia: 1
- Iran: 1
- Netherlands: 1
- Slovenia: 1
2023: Plan to build 20 nuclear power units with SMR-160 reactors with US Holtec International
In April 2023, news appeared about the signing of an agreement between the Ukrainian company Energoat and the American Holtec International for the construction in Ukraine of 20 small-sized modular nuclear reactors of the SMR-160 type with a capacity of 160 MW.
Holtec International began to engage in small-sized nuclear reactors only in 2010: at that time it has only a project and not a single prototype built.
At the same time, Holtec International has neither production facilities for the construction of reactors, nor licenses from the US government for such activities, nor a complete list of necessary competencies, especially in the field of managing large projects. The latter company is trying to compensate for international cooperation.
SMR-160 is a fully factory-made water-water type nuclear reactor. All equipment and safety systems are located in a solid enclosure located underground. During the operation of the station, it is completely sealed.
The design of the SMR-160 is devoid of pumps and is significantly simplified, so it does not require maintenance. Similarly, it is planned to significantly reduce the cost of building a nuclear reactor and subsequent operation, as well as reduce the time of its commissioning.
Ukraine is an ideal testing ground for technology development and commercial operation. Failure or even an accident carries a minimum of risks, but it will allow developing invaluable experience for the further development of the project, the Rybar channel noted.
Why does Ukraine need this? Most of the operating reactors at the Ukrainian nuclear power plants approach the full development of their resource, and maintaining their performance requires increasing costs with the growing risks of accidents. Creating new ones is too expensive.
The construction of powerful power units requires a developed and constantly working industry capable of consuming electricity generated by large power units.
Nuclear power plants are base stations: they must operate with constant power and cannot sharply increase and drop generation.
The refusal to develop thermal power indirectly indicates that the Ukrainian authorities have no hope for the emergence of cheap gas and coal in the future.
Against this background, the possible construction of unattended modular small-sized nuclear power plants, along with the reconstruction of hydroelectric power plants and plans for the construction of plants from renewable energy sources, is a logical solution.
2022: Agreement with Westinghouse to build 9 power units in Ukraine
Energoatom and Westinghouse signed agreements on June 2, 2022 to increase the number of nuclear power units that will be built using AP 1000 technology in Ukraine from five to nine, and to create the Westinghouse engineering and technical center in Ukraine.
2017: Holtec Small Modular Reactor Implementation Plan at Rivne NPP
In February 2017, it became known about plans to build new power units with modular reactors at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant by the American Holtec International. Rivne NPP may become the 1st nuclear power plant in Ukraine, where the construction of new modular SMR-160 reactors developed by Holtec International will begin. This was announced on February 16, 2018 by the president of Energoatom, Yu. Nedashkovsky.
Energoatom is very interested in the project of small modular reactors from Holtec International. At this time, the company, together with the State Atomic Regulation of Ukraine and the local representative office of Holtec International, is preparing an action plan for a pilot project for the introduction of 1 small modular reactors at the Rivne NPP.
Modular reactors are SMR-160 designed to replace the 1st and 2nd power units with Russian VVER-440 reactors, which by 2030 will work out their design life. At this time, new developments are undergoing licensing in Canada. The positive conclusions of the Canadian regulator will give Holtec International the opportunity to begin construction in 2023-2024 for the Middle East.
Yu. Nedashkovsky confirmed that Holtec considers Ukraine as a site for transferring part of its production of small modular reactors.
When (if) the new technology is licensed, Energoatom expects to introduce new reactors as replacement facilities, as well as possibly at new sites.
The SMR-160 Holtec reactors are positioned as a promising direction in the construction of nuclear power plants, saying that they have an increased level of safety due to underground placement, lack of pumping, reinforcement, etc.
Such reactors can be used in remote areas, in areas with limited water reserves, as well as in industrial sites where larger reactors are inappropriate to use. But Ukraine is much more attracted that small reactors are maneuverable and cheaper. In September 2017, Holtec International approached the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with a proposal to create a hub in Ukraine to distribute small modular reactors to Europe, Asia and Africa with localization of production and a large number of equipment at Ukrainian enterprises. The proposal is certainly interesting, but if you don't think about the fact that the technology is still not licensed.
Observers note that this is exactly the proposal that cannot be refused. The Ukrainian authorities are forced to lobby for the interests of American capital in the fuel and energy complex, trying to establish relations with the United States, which cooled down after US President Donald Trump came to power [8]
2022: Electric vehicle charging station network construction begins
In June 2022, the construction of a national charging station for electric vehicles began in Ukraine. Energoat was engaged in the implementation of this project, which attracted funds from Ukrgazbank for it.
According to the agreement, Energoatom will be responsible for the technical part of the project, in particular, the supply of electricity. Ukrgazbank - for financial. The technical and financial details of the project to create a national network of charging stations are not disclosed by the parties.
According to Energy Minister German Galushchenko, the creation of a network of charging points for electric cars should also contribute to Ukraine's fulfillment of international obligations to decarbonize.
We are accelerating the achievement of carbon neutrality in the Ukrainian economy, as well as reducing environmental pollution, he said. |
In turn, President of Energoatom Petr Kotin noted the importance of this project for the development of the company:
Today Energoatom has significant spare capacity for the production of cheap and clean electricity, which can also be supplied to new segments of the domestic market, to meet the growing needs of domestic cars. affordable electricity, fast and comfortable charging of electric cars in any corner of Ukraine. |
According to Kotin, the creation of a network of gas stations for electric transport in Ukraine will mark Energoatom's entry into the retail market for electricity sales, which will significantly increase the company's capitalization.
As of June 1, 2022, 36,602 electric cars were registered in Ukraine, in May their number increased by 1,016 cars, which turned out to be the best result since the beginning of the year and 63% more than a year ago, Energoatom reported[9]
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- ↑ supply of nuclear fuel]
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- ↑ Gutierrez Energoatom extended the nuclear fuel supply agreement with Westinghouse
- ↑ increase fuel purchases from Westinghouse
- ↑ a Proposal that cannot be abandoned?.
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