Federal Research Institute of System Researches of RAS of FNTs SRISA RAS Federal State Institution scientific center
Operator of national scientific and educational network (RUNNET, RASNET)
Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia)
FNTs SRISA RAS was formed in December, 2014 according to the order of FASO Russia.
The institute conducts basic, exploratory and application scientific research in the following directions:
- microprocessor and communications systems, optimization of systems under the selected class of tasks, problems of the automated synthesis and verification of microprocessors and the communication GSIs optimal on the selected class of tasks;
- architecture, system solutions and software of information complexes of new generation;
- problems of creation and use of supercomputers;
- problems of design and production of perspective microprocessors, microcontrollers and communication GSIs;
- theoretical and applied problems of automation of programming, problem of the automated synthesis and verification of operating systems;
- theoretical and applied problems of information security;
- research and development of methods and algorithms of creation of computer models, including objects of a complex geometry and topology and also means of their visualization for computer systems of new generation;
- researches in the field of medical information science;
- new methods of storage and information processing on the principles of an optical memory, neural networks and holography;
- creation of associative neurooptical systems with training for problems of recognition, classification and expert systems;
- hydrodynamic researches and modeling in the oil and gas industry;
- researches of multiscale processes of burning and chemical interactions using high-performance super computers;
- problems of creation and use of the distributed and high-performance computing systems, complexes, networks and Wednesdays;
- problems of creation and use of information and telecommunication and information systems, networks and resources, systems and networks of information storage;
- high-performance and distributed computing;
- mathematical modeling and system programming.