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Баннер в шапке 2

GLONASS Northwest


GLONASS Northwest - the telematic operator based on navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS, cellular communication of GSM (GPRS/SMS), satellite communication Inmarsat.

GLONASS Northwest - the supplier of hardware and software systems and the subscriber equipment for the state and corporate customers. All solutions proposed by the company are under construction based on the telematic platform and the client software use of the advanced information telecommunication technologies: cellular communication of GSM (GPRS/SMS), satellite communication of Inmarsat, satellite navigation (GPS/GLONASS).

The GLONASS Northwest company is an official partner of M2M Telematics Group in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and specializes in implementation of monitoring systems of transport using the advanced information telecommunication technologies: satellite navigation of a GLONASS/GPS, cellular communication of GSM (GPRS/SMS) and satellite communication of Inmarsat. Specialists of the company develop technological solutions according to individual requirements of customers for effective implementation of tasks at the enterprise of various sectors of the economy.

The monitoring systems provided by the company recommended the reliability and high quality in a number of socially important projects. Today the given systems equip transport of the road-building and repair organizations of the Leningrad Region, the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, the car of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance. The GLONASS Northwest company also implements the project on system implementation of monitoring and control of vehicles based on GLONASS in SUE Avtobaza Pravitelstva Leningradskoy oblasti.

In an order portfolio of GLONASS Northwest - installation of a monitoring system at the Kirishi oil refinery, in the large road-building enterprises, project implementation continuation Social GLONASS for needy categories of the population and physically disabled people and also the educational program for pupils of high schools "School lessons of GLONASS".