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Grafitek Distribution company



The Grafitek company is the Russian distributor of gaming computer accessories, peripheries for the PC, consoles, consumer electronics and also means for transportation and storage of technology devices from Europe, Asia and the USA. It is founded in 1997. The portfolio of brands is provided to Razer, Speedlink, ASTRO Gaming, X-Rite, Pantone, by Datacolor, Tonetron/Prolink, Microtek, TDK Life on Record, Audioengine, On For All, SOtM.

Primary clients of Grafitek are federal retail networks of consumer electronics, IT and mobile communication among which there are M.Video, Eldorado, Mediamarkt, Euroset, Svyaznoy and also regional retailers across all Russia. All delivered goods is certified, has an official warranty of the producer in Russia and is serviced by the service center "Grafitek".