Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Higher Grade


Russian software developer for small business. He was a member of the e-Style group of companies.

E-Style (group of companies)


Number of employees
2014 year


Areas of activity

  • Support of accounting and management software products.,
  • Development of accounting and management software products for small businesses.


2001: Establishing a Company

The company "Higher Grade" was created in 2001. as part of the e-Style group of companies created by the founders of R-Style in order to develop and promote software for automating the activities of small businesses.

2003: Issue of the free accounting program "VS: Accounting "

Another extraordinary undertaking is the release of a free accounting program. Having mastered the freely distributed single-player version, customers, according to the head of e-Style, will begin to switch to paid multiplayer. The project is called "VS: Accounting." "VS" is the "highest grade," opposed to the "first grade" "1C: Accounting," the product of the company " 1C," which at that time controlled more than 60% of the Russian market for mass financial software.

"VS: Accounting" entered the market in the summer of 2003. Now, according to the head of e-Style, the product has about 30,000 registered users. About 5,000 are regularly interested in updates. Not much for such a powerful industry.

At the same time, it was decided to start a marketing program to help small businesses, the purpose of which was to assist small enterprises in Russia in automating their business processes, and, first of all, accounting. Financial partners were involved in the Assistance Program - large well-known companies Xerox (Russia) and Megafon. The free distribution of the single-user full-featured version of the AC: ACCOUNTING program has begun.

Over the next years, the company continued the process of improving the software product, building its potential. Along with this, the problems of distributing the product and providing users with a comprehensive service, primarily a free support service, free regular updates and new versions, were solved.


In 2005 the company launched a new product on the market - VS: ENTERPRISE, a complex solution, the structure of which, in addition to the functionality of the VS: ACCOUNTING product, included the CRM module.


In 2006 the distribution of functionality by product has been changed. In the AC: ACCOUNTING program, all functionality for accounting was left. The software product of the aircraft: the enterprise, built on a modular principle, covered all the functionality necessary for the comprehensive automation of various business processes of the enterprise. For the first time, the Management Accounting module was introduced into the product structure. Thus, VS: ENTERPRISE has become an effective product for both the manager and other functional services of a small enterprise.

In the same year, the company changed its product distribution policy. New Media Generation, a large distributor of multimedia and educational products, becomes the official distributor of the Higher Variety company in terms of distribution and sales of its products.

Starting in 2006. The company "Higher Grade" has begun work on attracting educational institutions of the country, to cooperate on conducting accounting training using the software product SUN: ACCOUNTING. Over the past time, more than 300 educational institutions located in different cities of Russia have already used the software products of the Higher Variety company in training. A program to organize certified training centers is successfully operating. At the beginning of 2008, there are already 12 of them.


07.07.07 company has released a new version of the software products of the aircraft: Enterprise 7.0 and the aircraft: Accountancy 7.0. Previous versions of the programs invariably received high user ratings, but it was version 7.0 that managed to achieve a qualitative jump making the programs of the Armed Forces: Accounting and the Armed Forces: The enterprise the best in the market of management and accounting software for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Immediately after the release of new versions of VS: Accounting 7.0 and VS: Enterprise 7.0, the company releases a new BC: CRM software product. The program was developed specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises, taking into account their needs for maximum adaptation, functionality, affordability and ease of use of the software product, which distinguishes it from programs from CRM other manufacturers.


In 2008, a new Sun program was released: Retail. It is a versatile, customizable product to automate retail sales. The program allows you to automate any point of sale in its characteristics. It can be one retail location, a store of any format, or an entire retail chain.

In October 2008 the successful premiere of the new Sun product: e-Commerce 7.0 took place at the Softool 2008 exhibition. The small business assistance program remains the main marketing tool of the company, while carrying, at the same time, a social mission. The implementation of the Program during all these years would be impossible without the participation of regional representatives located in all districts of the Russian Federation in more detail...