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+ IT-Consult

Since 1999 IT-Consult works with manufacturing enterprises.


  • complex automation of preparation of production and management of engineering data (CAD/CAPP/CAM CAEPDM///PLM)
  • managements of normative handbook data (MDM)
  • planning and scheduling of production APSMESSCM (//)
  • monitoring and management of equipment downtimes (EAM, OEE)
  • monitoring of production personnel
  • managements of capital assets (AMS)
  • MRO
  • and also software development for the solution of specialized tasks.

Under the registered trademark IT-Consult operating activities is conducted by ASCON-Samara and IT-Consult companies. In 2013 Infoservice LLC (the shareholder of the company) is transformed to IT-Consult LLC.


2018: Opening of project office "Digital Enterprise"

The IT-Consult group announced on October 1, 2018 opening of project office "Digital Enterprise" which specializes in development of economic and reasonable strategy of implementation and use of digital technologies in manufacturing enterprise and also its implementation in practice.

Development and projects implementation of digitalization is conducted using the technique "The digital enterprise in 6 steps" based on practical experience of implementation of digital technologies.

The first stage — setting of business challenges by the enterprise and assessment of economic effect of their solution.

The second stage — audit and digital assessment of the current use of digital technologies (what IT systems are used at solving of tasks in different data domains, what skill level of personnel, etc.). Digital quality evaluation and depths of use of IT at different stages (sale of products, production preparation, production management, quality control, etc.) is result of a stage.

The third stage — technical and economic study of the solution of business challenges. In its framework it is estimated using what organizational and IT solutions optimum these problems are solved, in particular, the standard solution is used or it is necessary to develop the system "from scratch". Besides, at the same stage specialists of office involve experts in advanced technologies (AI, big data, predictive analytics, machine vision, etc.) to assessment of prospects of their application for solving of tasks of the enterprise. It is also necessary to estimate critical risks of project implementation (for example if the stage of technology preparation of production is not digitized, then use of IT is extremely difficult to production planning). The worked solutions — both in terms of technical implementation, and from economic parameters (implementation cost, ownership cost, an implementation time, etc.) are result of a stage.

The fourth stage — development of "road map" of digitalization with an economic case of solutions. On the basis of the previous points the diagram on which the worked solutions with indication of cost, the term of implementation and the gained economic effect are placed forms. Respectively, first of all, projects with the minimum term of implementation and the maximum economic effect are implemented.

For the given example: at first project A, then — project B, then — the C and D projects (they are identical in terms of economic feasibility) is implemented, project E has the smallest economic effect

The term of implementation of the listed stages is up to 4 months.

Implementation of IT solutions and accomplishment of organizational changes for the solution of the tasks set earlier goes the fifth stage. At the same time the enterprise can complete these phases as independently, and involving experts IT-Consult — to consultations or as the general contractor.

At last, final, the sixth, a stage assessment of the reached economic effect is. Thus, according to the results of execution of works the enterprise digitizes processes, important for itself and gains real economic effect of implementation of digital technologies, explained in the company.