Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The Russian online edition about the computer equipment.

Sokolov Pavel

Number of employees
2019 year



According to SimilarWeb, the monthly audience in October, 2018, made 22.4 million people.


2018: Ilya Rubtsov is appointed the Chief Editor

The editor-in-chief of Ilya Rubtsov is appointed the Chief Editor of Also an edition team from was passed earlier by Mikhail Panyushkin.

2012: Pavel Sokolov and Alexander Vorobyov register Ayholding LLC

On December 6, 2012 for management of Ayholding LLC, equal shares in which Pavel Sokolov and Alexander Vorobyov own, is registered.

2002: A gap with the Dvasolntsa agency

In July, 2002 between partners there was a gap, iXBT stopped cooperation with 2sun and began to work together with Mediastars company. It was one of the most juicy scandals in the Russian IT industry ended with legal claims.

The rupture of cordial relations between two companies was preceded by the events connected with leaving from 2Sun two employees of the company — Vera Bondarenko and Adelija Rzayeva. As Webplanet, the official reason for which Bondarenko and Rzayeva — "the unfair relation to delivery of affairs" were dismissed reported then. In other words, they were dismissed for the fact that they refused to sign the agreement according to which within 3 months from the moment of leaving they had no right to contact to clients 2Sun.

As Webplanet managed to find out, in 2Sun Bondarenko and Rzayeva actively were engaged in accommodation of clients of the company on iXBT website. A month later after their leaving, by a strange coincidence, on July 26, 2002 the administration of iXBT without explanation removed all paid advertizing of clients 2Sun. The source of Webplanet close to advertizing circles of Runet assumed that the imminent conflict between 2Sun and iXBT is directly connected with Bondarenko and Rzayeva's leaving, founded, as we know, own advertizing agency — MediaStars.

The company executive 2Sun Dmitry Mozhaev told[1] about the events in an exclusive interview to Webplanet[1]:

  • Paradoxical situation: what between us occurred — I do not know. iXBT notified us by e-mail a month ago on intention to withdraw from the contract since August 1st, 2002 without explanation of. We so still also did not receive the formal notice, as well as an explanation of the reasons. In July we were in conditions of the exclusive agreement which many paragraphs from iXBT were de facto violated. And as we understand now, quite consciously. We invited the management of iXBT to meet for discussion of the reasons of event of default and settlement with respect thereto our questions and also leading of balance for 2002, however were refused. We were forced to send official request on July 26th on which no answer followed. Probably, in IXBT it is not accepted to conduct normal document flow, but to call in office 2Sun and to call the innocent secretary "suky" or to shout at innocent managers — it is in the order of things. We behaved and we behave correctly, but it does not mean what with us can be done anything if the correctness is accepted to weakness.

Instead of all this, iXBT removed the 26th all commercial on the website, and I do not observe it still. As you can guess, there is also no answer official about it. For similar actions which caused a loss not only 2Sun but also to advertisers, the management of iXBT had no bases. Under the agreement, if, it is possible to be expressed roughly, on concepts which secretly execute all agencies and the websites.

  • How do you think whether it is connected all happened to leaving from 2Sun Bondarenko and Rzayeva?

  • iXBT on behalf of the management selected interesting policy: we confirm officially nothing, yes, is not present. Book children, quietly, all of us will fulfill obligations. And what occurred offstage — it lies on conscience of iXBT. And all secret will become, certainly, explicit. And when it will become, each person and market participant, I think, will be able to give an objective assessment to the taken place events.

If here again it is raised the question by Bondarenko and Rzayeva, I cannot confirm the wording of Webplanet in the previous articles concerning this question on which I preferred not to comment at that time. By the nature of the activity in 2Sun they really enjoyed confidence and had access to especially confidential information and not only on discounts and the media policy of the agency. The commission which at us was created set systematic disclosure of the data which are a trade secret of the company during the period May-July, 2002, the majority of which was disclosed for the purpose of obtaining personal benefit. With respect thereto, Bondarenko and Rzayeva were dismissed under the article of Paragraph 6v of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

I do not think that sane people with them will work after that at the advertizing market. By inertia, maybe, someone also believed them. But the sun, any, two, over them is not present any more. Over them only a space gloom as it is sung in the song. I, by the way, do not compose songs. And even such rumors wander.

  • Will you take any actions concerning iXBT?

  • And as! In our practice it is the first egregious example impudent, and if it is possible to tell, boorish violation of the undertaken obligations which brought damage to advertisers. I think that it and the first case in Runet when the website can fall into a hysterics and remove advertizing, substituting around myself, all and all. It is worthy behavior of the website of Vasya Pupkin, but not the website which applied, and I suspect, already irrevocably, something bigger. We requested clients regarding fixing of the received damage now, we will add to it the and we will file a lawsuit. Besides, we consider that if iXBT arrived in this way now, then will arrive also and in the future. And nobody will give anybody any guarantees any more. And who will believe in them, that will walk twice into a same water.

As for placements 2Sun, on iXBT there are other fish in the sea — we will increase budgets by other computer websites with which worked earlier, but now we will actively expand cooperation. Also we will aim to work with the large checked companies representing the interests of the websites and to avoid work with the websites provided by individuals.

2001: LC-Group could not purchase

By 2000 iXBT becomes one of market leaders of Internet advertizing.

In 2001 negotiations on sale of the edition with LC-Group company, the supplier of component parts for the computer equipment and the owner of the iRU brand were conducted. Then the parties did not manage to find a common language because of internal disagreements of shareholders of According to Webplanet[2], a part of shareholders of the edition agreed with the offer of LC-Group, but finally the transaction all the same broke. Probably, did not agree on the price.


The agreement with the Dvasolntsa agency and a website output from under Rambler to the

Agency 2sun (Dvasolntsa) became one of strategic partners who led iXBT into the lead of the Russian market the Internet of advertizing. Offer 2Sun on exclusive advertizing on iXBT gave an essential impetus in development of the website.

"Exclusive" from outside 2Sun played turning point in the relations between Rambler and iXBT. "As soon as in iXBT understood that means from advertizing — "it is very good and much", the gradual distance from Rambler began. Then as "spare airfield" the domain and the smooth and imperceptible transfer of content accompanying these events was registered. In Rambler when learned about the events, very strongly were surprised to actions of administration of iXBT, but at that moment the holding had not the best times — forgot about iXBT" — reported a source of Webplanet.

Investments from investors of Rambler in the amount of $80-100 thousand

At that time the edition just was under a wing of Rambler Internet holding and at the beginning of investments into "the grandfather of the Russian Internet" owners of iXBT managed to bite off the tidbit. As explained the source of Webplanet in Rambler which wished to remain the unknown, the total amount of investments into iXBT from investors of holding was about $80-100 thousand.

1997: Start of the website

At the beginning of 1997 on the Russian Internet there were no resources devoted to computer subject. On the contrary, in the West such resources were, and they enjoyed wide popularity and among Russian-speaking audience there are networks. Therefore, was quite logical to occupy the empty niche.

The website exists since January 7, 1997. Official date of opening of the website is on October 1, 1997.

Everything began with the website on the servers providing a free hosting. Then publishers signed the partnership agreement with the Stack company. The project received the name iXBT Hardware. Some consider that the name is difficult said, but it is well remembered.

See Also
