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InPharma (Pharmaceutical innovations)


Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 2009
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
121596, Gorbunov St., 2, office B320 Business center "Grandee of Xietun of the Loft"

Top managers:
Kukava Vadim Vasilyevich
Pharmaceutical Innovations association - InPharma.

Pharmaceutical Innovations association - InPharma. As a part of association members - the world pharmaceutical companies provided in Russia.

InPharma received the status of the legal entity of the Russian Federation in 2009.


InPharma sees the priorities in:

  • participation in processes of reforming of the existing approaches to price regulation and reimbursement of expenses for medicines.

  • contribution to protection and observance of the intellectual property rights of original medicines.

  • to ensuring interaction of representatives of the innovative pharmaceutical companies with employees of the medical organizations according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • representation and protection the interests of members of Association in public authorities and bodies of a health care system.

  • consolidation of community of producers of the innovation medicines and formulation of the consolidated positions on development and regulation of the industry.

  • creation of conditions for effective interaction of members of Association, exchange of the ideas and opinions on issues of development of the innovative pharmaceutical companies and health care system in general.

  • development and support of cooperation with the international associations integrating the innovative pharmaceutical companies.