Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Information Technology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan


The State Institution "Center for Information Technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan" is a non-profit organization established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Ministry of Digital Development of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan


+ Ministry of Digital Development of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan

The state unitary enterprise "Center of Information Technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan" (GUP "CIT RT") regularly implements large-scale and socially significant projects in the field of informatization. One of them is information support for the Electronic Tatarstan (ET) project, which is designed to provide citizens and organizations with access to state, municipal and socially significant services based on information and communication technologies.

The objectives of the Centre are:

  • improvement of public administration in the field of informatization;
  • Improved use of information resources;
  • reducing the costs of the functioning of the state apparatus by organizing the introduction of information technologies;
  • improving the efficiency of management of state financial, material and technical, personnel resources in the field of informatization in the implementation of information systems;
  • minimization of risks and achievement of specified results when implementing information systems;
  • creation of a single information space of the Republic of Tatarstan, integrated into the Russian and world information space.

In order to achieve its objectives, the Centre performs the following tasks:

  • ensuring the formation of a regulatory legal framework for informatization;
  • managing the creation of electronic regulations, methodologies, formats of information exchange and interaction at the interdepartmental level of state authorities with citizens and organizations;
  • organization of registration and maintenance of the register of state information resources and systems of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • organization of information interaction between executive authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan and local self-government bodies (by agreement);
  • development of measures to improve the informatization processes of state authorities;
  • training in the field of informatization;
  • organization of professional training of employees of informatization services of state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • organization of the process of implementation of the project management system for the creation of state information systems;
  • participation in the development and implementation of interagency infrastructure solutions;
  • assistance in attracting Russian and foreign investments in order to re-establish priority areas of activity in the field of informatization;
  • participation in scientific research, holding scientific and practical conferences, symposia, meetings, including international ones, on informatization problems.

The functions of the Centre are:

  • development and monitoring of application of uniform methodological requirements to the processes of creating information systems in state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • organizing the introduction of technologies for formalizing description in the electronic form of business processes in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • registration and maintenance of the register of information resources of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • hosting, maintaining and supporting inter-agency information systems and information resources;
  • ensuring the creation of a common information space of state authorities;
  • testing and implementation of modern tools for providing automated information systems and their technologies;
  • assistance in the implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of informatization in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • organization of introduction of advanced technologies and standards of information systems creation management in state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan.


2021: Detention of the general director of the company on suspicion of fraud

In mid-June 2021, it became known about the detention of Denis Ulesov, Director General of the Information Technology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan. He is suspected of major fraud while working as the first deputy head of PJSC Tattelecom. More details here.