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KSM Aerated Concrete





2024: Plant Launch

On September 13, 2024, the first autoclave aerated concrete production plant began work in Karelia. The total investment in the project amounted to more than ₽1 billion. The new plant, owned by KSM Gasobeton, was inaugurated as part of the Karelia 20/24 economic forum and will become the only manufacturer of this construction material in the republic.

According to the official Internet portal of the Republic of Karelia, the opening ceremony of the plant was attended by presidential aide Russia Nikolai Patrushev, plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the North-West Federal District Alexander Gutsan, Head of Karelia Arthur Parfenchikov State and Duma deputy Valentina Pivnenko. The project was implemented as soon as possible: construction began in June 2023 and lasted just over a year. As a result, a workshop with an area of ​ ​ 5800 sq. meters, a modern gas boiler room was equipped and technological equipment was installed.

source = KCM Aerated Concrete
Aerated concrete production plant launched in Karelia for 1 billion rubles

The plant plans to produce 65 thousand cubic meters. m of aerated concrete per year with the possibility of increasing capacity to 111 thousand cubic meters. m. The products will allow not only to fully meet the needs of the construction sector of Karelia, but also to enter the markets of neighboring regions, including the Murmansk and Vologda regions, as well as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Autoclave aerated concrete is an environmentally friendly and non-combustible material widely used in the construction of both multi-storey buildings and individual housing and non-residential buildings. According to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia in the North-West Federal District, Alexander Gutsan, the company will provide up to 75% of the need for Karelia in this material. The Regional Industrial Development Fund provided the company with a preferential loan of ₽100 million, and the republican budget financed the connection of the plant to engineering networks.

The plant will create 42 jobs, and most of the equipment for the production process is produced in Russia.[1]
