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Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
The Republic of Karelia is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the North-Western Federal District, the area of the region is 180,520 km ².
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Arbitration Court of the Republic of Karelia
- Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Karelia
- Department of Private Security of the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Karelia
- Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Karelia
- Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Karelia
- PFR branch in the Republic of Karelia
Main article: Government of the Republic of Karelia
2025: Marble began to be mined in Karelia again
In Karelia, after 20 years, marble mining is resumed. The project is being implemented at the Kovadyarvi field in the Pryazhinsky district, 7 km from the village of Kolatselga. The work is being carried out by the Prionezhskaya Mining Company, which decided to resume production due to the growing demand for natural stone in the construction industry. The reserves of the field are estimated to be significant, and the quality of the marble meets high standards. The start of the project became known in March 2025. Read more here.
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia
Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia
UNIVERSITIES of the Republic of Karelia
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- GAPOU RK "Petrozavodsk Basic Medical College"
- Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School
- GAU DPO RK "Karelian Institute for Education Development"
- ANO for additional education of adults and children, additional vocational education in English "Center for Education and Culture"
Health care
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karelia
Medical centers
- GBUZ RK "Republican Medical Information and Analytical Center"
- GBUZ RK "Republican Perinatal Center"
- "Bone Clinic" (LLC "Center for Bone and Joint Pathology")
- GBUZ RK "Children's Republican Hospital"
- GBUZ RK "Emergency Hospital"
- Chuz "KB" Russian Railways-Medicine "Petrozavodsk"
Organizations of Petrozavodsk
Petrozavodsk and Karelian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
Main article: Petrozavodsk and Karelian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)
1990: Patriarch Alexy II in Petrozavodsk
1944: Liberation of Petrozavodsk from Finnish invaders
Main article: World War II
During the occupation of Soviet Karelia by the Finns, six concentration camps were created in Petrozavodsk to support local Russian-speaking residents. Camp No. 6 was located in the area of the Transshipment Exchange, 7,000 people were kept in it. The photo was taken after the liberation of Petrozavodsk by Soviet troops on June 28, 1944.
This picture was presented as part of the evidence at the Nuremberg trial of war criminals.
The girl who in the photo is the second from the pillar to the right - Klavdia Nyuppieva - many years later published her memoirs.
'I remember people swooning in the heat in a so-called bathhouse and then being doused with cold water. I remember the disinfection of barracks, after which it made noise in the ears, and many were bleeding with their noses, and that steam room, where all our rags were processed with great "effort." Once the steam room burned down, depriving many people of their last clothes. "