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Kaliningrad IT Park




2023: Construction of IT park for 2 billion rubles

At the end of October 2023, the Kaliningrad Region Development Corporation announced that the construction of the first IT park complex in Kaliningrad was being completed. The entire project worth 2 billion rubles is planned to be implemented by 2031.

The technopark will be erected at the intersection of Sovetsky Prospekt, Kashtanova Alley and Krasnaya Street. The total area of ​ ​ the territory will be 5.4 hectares. The park plans to accommodate 17 buildings: premises for administration, offices, housing and various institutions, Klops reports.

IT Park Project in Kaliningrad

The new park is going to open an office of the regional ministry of digital development. Also on the territory will be located the Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the MPSC for business.

The head of the Kaliningrad Region Development Corporation Andrei Tolmachev stressed that the goal of the project is to create an atmosphere in which the IT-Business can communicate, look for new ideas and generate new solutions. He also mentioned that one of the initiators of the construction of the park is the governor of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov.

According to Tolmachev, by the end of October 2023, he can say exactly which IT companies will be located in the new space. However, he said that the Corporation has already held successful negotiations with IT specialists at the federal level. They will need at least 1.5 thousand square meters to work. In total, there are about 2.5 thousand IT companies in Kaliningrad (by the end of October 2023).

Andrei Tolmachev also noted that the creation of a technopark, in particular, is aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the region for investors and large IT companies, creating a single-window service to coordinate leading enterprises, universities, small innovative companies in the region, cooperation between existing enterprises and organizations of innovative infrastructure, the introduction of effective practices to support small innovative businesses.[1]
