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Koledino (coworking)




2024: Completion of construction

In September 2024, it became known that the construction of the first stage of the Koledino industrial co-working space was completed in Podolsk. The volume of investments in the project is ₽1,8 billion.

According to the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region, this facility is designed to accommodate production companies and is made in the Light Industrial format. The full launch of the site is scheduled for 2025, and the introduced first building is already actively used by the residents of the complex.

source = Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science, Moscow Region
Industrial coworking "Koledino"

According to the press service of the regional government, the total area of ​ ​ coworking is 105 thousand square meters. As part of the project, the Construction Alliance Holding Company (KSA) completed the construction of the first building of the industrial complex. The construction of the second stage continues on the territory of Koledino, which should be commissioned in the second quarter of 2025. As a result of the project, at least 400 jobs will be created, including positions for highly qualified specialists.

According to the Minister of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region Ekaterina Zinovieva, the first stage of the complex includes 34 boxes of 750 square meters each, which have already been fully implemented. The second stage provides for the construction of four buildings, most of which have already been booked at the construction stage. The demand for premises is due to the high level of technical equipment of the complex and the possibilities for rapid start-up of production facilities.

Koledino industrial co-working space attracted a wide range of residents. According to the data of the government of the Moscow region, among them 37% are research and production enterprises, 22% are light industry companies, 21% are pharmaceutical companies and 20% are logistics enterprises. High-tech companies have assessed the capabilities of the complex, which offers a ready-made infrastructure for the rapid launch of production processes. The complex includes digital services, high-quality Internet and access to powerful data processing centers.[1]
