Information technologies
04053, Kiyanovsky 7-a Lane, office 209
Top managers:
Gorodetsky Alexander Sergeyevich
04053, Kiyanovsky 7-a Lane, office 209
Top managers:
Gorodetsky Alexander Sergeyevich
The LIRA SAPR company performs development of software packages in the field of automated design of construction objects. The group of developers of the company was created in 1963 and participated in creation of the first programs for construction calculations and modeling. Afterwards different software products were developed for designing of construction objects and the solution of a broad spectrum of computing tasks.
Number of employees
2017 year
The LIRA SAPR company releases popular products:
- The LIRA is a software package for design and calculation of building and machine-building constructions of different function.
- MONOMIALS – a software package for calculation and design of reinforced and brick concrete structures of multi-storey buildings.
LiraLand group: LIRA SAPR, as the LIRA service, Sofos, CPI of a CAD, the LIRA PROJECT - work on creation integrated by a CAD and improvement of software packages SAPPHIRE, ESPRI, MONOMAH-SAPR, LIRA SAPR.
LiraLand group
The group of developers of software packages LIRA, MONOMAKH and others, works more than 50 years.
In 1995 LIRA PCs created for the new Windows operating system. Almost each 2-3 years left new versions:
- LIRA PC 5.0 (1998)
- LIRA PC 8.0 (2000)
- LIRA PC 8.2 (2001)
- LIRA PC 9.0 (2003)
- LIRA PC 9.2 (2005)
- LIRA PC 9.4 (2007)
- LIRA PC 9.6 (2009)
- LIRA SAPR PC 2011 (2011)
- LIRA SAPR PC 2012 (2012)
- LIRA SAPR PC 2013 (2013).
In 2002 on the LIRA PC (a basic set the corresponding LIRA 9.0 PC) the copyright certificate - authors A.V. Gorbovets, A.S. Gorodetsky, V.E. Pavlovsky - the specialists beginning development of these software packages is issued.
- The software package of MONOMAKH for the automated calculation and design of reinforced and armokamenny concrete structures of high rise buildings was in the mid-nineties created. This software package is focused on very demanded class of tasks and automated the most part of a design cycle of constructions, including issue of sketches, and for some constructions and working drawings.
- Except large software packages, attention was paid to automation of the small design tasks necessary for the engineer in daily work. For this purpose created software package ESPRI (the Electronic Reference book by the Engineer). For the end of November, 2013 it includes more than 70 programs united in sections for thematic sign: reinforced, steel, armokamenny, wooden concrete structures, loadings and influences, etc.
- Software package SAPPHIRE is developed for automation of architectural volume design. The digital model of an object created by this complex allows to implement information communication with software packages LIRA and MONOMAKH, to organize automatic calculation of volumes with connection of estimate programs and an exit to management programs for construction.