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+ Moskabelmet (MKM)

The Moskabel-Fudzhikura joint-stock Company is founded on September 9, 1999 by Moskabelmet Ltd together with the Japanese firm "Fujikura Ltd.". Moskabel-Fudzhikura specializes in production of optical cables for backbone, city and local networks of communication. Production capacities of the enterprise - up to 35000 km of a cable a year. Technological capabilities of the company allow to release any types of optical cables of communication taking into account additional requirements of customers. High quality of products is confirmed by operating experience of a cable in different climatic regions of Russia and abroad. Consumers of products Moskabel-Fudzhikura such enterprises as Rostelecom, Mobile TeleSystems, VimpelCom, MegaFon, Transneft, Gazprom, the national operator of Belarus are among RO Beltelekom, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and many others.

Moskabel-Fudzhikura forms products basis the range of optical cables for backbone networks (types OKGMD, OKGTSD, OKKM, OKKTs, OKSM, OKSD, OKPM, OKPTs, OKTM and others), optical cables for local networks (types of Construction Department (Simplex), OKD (Duplex), ROC (Distribution), OKV (Riser), a RCEAP (Drop)) and the optical cables combined with conducting elements (type of the CPSU with copper cores and SIP-3+OM with a tokoroprovodyashchy aluminum core).

All cable products Moskabel-Fudzhikura are made on modern technology equipment of world leading manufacturers using materials of the known brands "Fujikura Ltd." (Japan), "Borealis" (Finland), "Du pont" (USA), "Herkula" (Germany).