Since 2000
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
107066, Tokmakov Lane, 14, building 1
The auditing firm of Makreykera is created in June, 2000 for the purpose of rendering professional services in audit area and consulting services.
Services: rendering auditor and accounting services, estimated activity, legal consulting.
The company performs auditor activity on the basis of the license of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. E 005020 of 9/2/2003, the validity of the license is extended till 9/2/2013. Previous license No. 006826 of 9/11/2000.
The auditing firm of Makreykera has:
- The license FAUFI for implementation of estimated activity in the territory of the Russian Federation No. 010176 of 11/23/2004.
- The license FSB Russia across Moscow and the Moscow region for an implementation of works, connected with use of the data which are the state secret No. B 347797 of 5/16/2006. Our documents are in the section of the website "Licenses".
The auditing firm of Makreykera is a corporate member of Institute of professional accountants and auditors of Russia, auditors of our company are also full members of IPBR. Auditing firm of Makreykera it is accredited at RSA (Russian Society of Appraisers) and included in the register of appraisers and appraisal firms ROO No. 0625/77-1111/05. The company is a member of NP Partnerstvo ROO integrating more than 900 estimated companies from 69 regions of Russia and has the certificate on the right of provision of services by assessment. Independent appraisers of AF Makreykery LLC full members of the Russian society of appraisers.