Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
st. Vyatskaya, house 27, building 13-14
Medkor Group of Companies provides custom software development services. Custom software development is one of the key activities of the group of companies.
The organization positions itself as a developer of various medical IT solutions, the key of which is the Agapit medical information system for automating all stages of the medical and diagnostic process and related administrative measures of medical institutions.
Boris Yudin is the permanent head of Medkor Software. He owns an 80 percent share of the company, and the remaining 20% is recorded on Dmitry Temnov. Note that Yudin is also a co-founder of many other active legal entities, some of which are declared as IT companies, and some in their names have signs of medical specialization: M Soft Center Retail LLC, M Soft Medical Imaging LLC, M Soft East Management LLC, M Soft Amur Diagnostics LLC, MedUnion LLC, MGS-Soft LLC, Sotsayti LLC.
According to Kontur.focus, in 2014 the company's revenue amounted to p25 million with a net loss of p20.5 million. In addition, Medkor Software has an indefinite amount of tax arrears, which were sent to recover the bailiff-executor.
2017: Medkor Software's successful lawsuit against Er-Style
As CNews learned (data from March 2017), Medkor Software managed to prove to the court that the IT integrator R-Style did not pay it under three multimillion-dollar contracts and p215 million is due from it, as well as almost p20 million penalties for late payments[1].
From the documents of the litigation, it follows that Medkor Software appealed to the Moscow Arbitration Court on July 26, 2016. The case was considered on October 27 with the publication of the full text of the decision on November 14. R-Style did not agree with the court decision and filed an appeal on November 30. Following its consideration, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal on January 24, 2017 dismissed her, confirming the legality of the decision of the first instance.
Er-Style was given two months to appeal this opinion, but no information that the company had exercised this right could be found in open sources of CNews.
For which money was collected from Er-Style
From court documents, you can find out that the subject of the proceedings of the parties was three contracts received by Medkor Software from Er-Style in 2015. The first of them dated May 12, 2015 involved the creation of a certain software product for organizing workflow in medical institutions. Its cost was p97.5 million.
The second contract dated July 9, 2015 involved the creation of software for the automated deployment of the first issue of the new generation AIS PFR-2 Pension Fund InformSystems and the creation of software for the automated preparation of its test data. Its price was determined at p82.6 million.
The third contract dated December 29, 2015 involved the revision of the software product for the organization of workflow in medical institutions. Its cost was p35 million.
It follows from the materials of the court that all obligations of Medkor software were fulfilled, and no claims related to the fulfillment by the plaintiff of the terms of the contracts, as well as the quality and volume of work performed, were received from the defendant. Thus, "R-Style" did not deny the very fact of debt. And his arguments that the payment for the work performed was not made in connection with the failure to fulfill monetary obligations to him of his counterparties, the court declared insolvent.
In this regard, in addition to the total debt of p215 million from Er-Style, it was decided to collect penalties in the amount of p9.7 million under the first contract, p6.7 million for the second and p3.5 million for the third. The amount of these amounts was determined on the basis of 0.1% of the cost of overdue payments for each day of delays, but not more than 10% of the total price of contracts.