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Russian news aggregator.

Klimenko Herman Sergeyevich




Plan of start of the cable TV-channel

In December, 2015 it became known what by 2016 German Klimenko is going to start Mediametrics TV channel which will broadcast in networks of operators of cable television. It is supposed that its broadcasting will begin until the end of 2015.

The channel already received the mass media registration certificate in Roskomnadzor.

"To start broadcasting in the cable networks two licenses are required: Media and broadcasting. The first was received. Now we give on the second", – Klimenko announced[1].

ESO RS-Kompleksnye Resheniya LLC which for 100% belongs to a certain Alevtina Jacobson acted as the founder of channel. According to German Klimenko, she is its "an old employee". The entrepreneur answered a question why it did not register TV channel on own structures, that these issues are resolved by his auditors.

Klimenko reported that the Mediametrics TV channel will work in the format similar to a format of earlier started Internet radio.

Start of Internet radio Mediametrics

In May, 2015 Internet radio Mediametrics based on the news aggregator was started. Radio conducts the round-the-clock broadcasting, the main making which – the program about business, finance and IT.

Search of the investor for 30% of the company

In January, 2015 German Klimenko wrote on the page on Facebook that he looks for the buyer for "segment" in the Mediametrics. Less than 30% for which Klimenko wants to gain a year $1 million are about a share.

"I still want one million, but now for a smaller share. I have no infinite gold holdings of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and, certainly, it is pleasant to share risks with partners" — he notices[1].

Klimenko's money gained from sale is intended to be started up in purchase of traffic for Mediametriks. Progress of Mediametrics inevitably increases, it notices and provides the diagram of growth of number of visitors of MM in a year.

The yesterday's comment on search of the investor for Mediametrics, Klimenko caught a wave. On January 19, 2015, the news Anews aggregator started in 2013 by founders of RBC Herman Kaplun, Alexander Morgulchik and Artem Inyutin received investments for the amount of $2.7 million. TMT Investments funds, founded by founders of RBC, Runa Capital of the co-founder of Qiwi Andrey Romanenko, 101Startup took part in the transaction and also private investors, Kommersant reported.

Demand for tools for consumption of information will increase. Risk — in unpredictability of evolution of the existing and new instruments of work with news. Perhaps, aggregation will not cope with the increased news flow, and additional intellectual processing will be required. And who will win this market while it is not clear, the comment of the analyst of Runa Capital Konstantin Vinogradov gives Kommersant.

According to Liveinternet about transitions, traffic on the largest news websites of Runet (, with Klimenko's Mediametrics many times exceeds what can provide svezheproinvestirovanny Anews.

2014: Klimenko starts the aggregator of news

In March, 2014 German Klimenko, the founder of Liveinternet company, started the news Mediametrics aggregator. In 2014, before start of Mediametrics, Klimenko bypassed several funds, suggesting to purchase 30% a share in MM for 1 million U.S. dollars and everywhere was refused.
