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Medtronic Russia Medtronic Russia


Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Medical Device Manufacturers
Since 2003
123317 Presnenskaya nab., 10, Tower C

Top managers:
Plyasunova Elena
Medtronic LLC is the Russian representative office of the American corporation Medtronic, registered in Ireland.



At the beginning of 2017, more than 130 employees work in Russia to promote Medtronic technologies for the treatment of patients in the following areas:

  • arrhythmology,
  • cardiac surgery,
  • vascular surgery,
  • neurosurgery,
  • diabetes,
  • intraoperative navigation and
  • spinal surgery.

Medtronic LLC coordinates the development of the market and therapies, clinical research and monitoring, as well as organizes training for doctors in all areas of activity.

Medtronic develops a network of training centers (Medtronic Academia educational program) for high-tech medical care, which are organized in cooperation with leading clinical, research and medical educational institutions in Russia. Similar centers for March 2017 were opened in Novosibirsk together with the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after E.N. Meshalkin, as well as in Moscow on the basis of the Russian office of Medtronic LLC.

Training centers provide opportunities for advanced training for medical professionals. Within the framework of the educational program, modern methods of treating diseases are considered and topical issues of clinical practice are discussed with the participation of leading Russian and international specialists. Russian centers have become an addition to the existing network of more than 20 Medtronic training centers equipped with the latest technology around the world.


2024: Loss of medical equipment maintenance license in Russia

On January 1, 2024, the Russian representative offices of the American companies Medtronic and Becton Dickinson, the German Draeger and the Japanese Fujifilm lost their licenses for the maintenance of medical devices in the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that the named suppliers did not reissue licenses in accordance with the new rules.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, in accordance with the norms that have come into force, obtaining a license from market participants requires the availability of the entire list of measuring equipment in accordance with a group of products and the introduction of a quality management system according to a certain standard. In addition, the company must have a certain number of engineers with the necessary qualifications.

Russian representative offices of the American companies Medtronic and Becton Dickinson, the German Draeger and the Japanese Fujifilm lost their maintenance licenses in the Russian Federation

Medtronic, Becton Dickinson, Draeger and Fujifilm supply ventilators, coronary stents, X-ray equipment and blood glucose monitoring systems to Russia. In addition to these manufacturers, 38 structures of the SiES Medica group, which supplies tonometers and other medical equipment of the Japanese Omron to the Russian Federation, and several enterprises of the Delrus group, lost licenses for the maintenance of medical products.

The head of Roszdravnadzor Alla Samoilova said that the withdrawal from the market of companies that have not reissued licenses under the new rules will not affect the quality and timeliness of medical equipment maintenance. According to her, the licensing system for the field of medical services has been improved at the request of the business community as part of the "regulatory guillotine." So, service companies no longer need to obtain a license to maintain the entire range of medical equipment, if permission is required to service several types of simple products or medical furniture.

All bona fide players agreed to the changes in the legislation, supported them and comply. Most of the organizations that actually work in this area have reissued their licenses in the allotted long 30-month period. In fact, the licenses were not updated by companies that really cannot provide maintenance of medical equipment at the proper level, says Samoilova.[1]

2021: Medtronic withdrew from a joint project with Renova Group of Companies for the production of coronary stents due to sanctions

In early October 2021, it became known about the withdrawal of Medtronic from a joint project with Renova Group of Companies for the production of coronary stents - Stentex LLC. The reason is the imposition of US sanctions against Viktor Vekselberg's group. Read more here.


Launch of online consultation service for diabetics together with the company "Online Doctor"

On June 26, 2018, Online Doctor announced the launch of an online consultation service for diabetes patients. The company's partner in this project was Medtronic. Read more here.

Opening of the "Odrex Heart Clinic" in Odessa

As it became known on April 13, 2018, the Ukrainian medical house Odrex , within the framework of an agreement on the supply of complex solutions in the field health care with the company Medtronic , opened a To Odessa high-tech cardiology center - Hearts the Odrex Clinic. In 2018, the clinic plans to serve about 1,000 patients. More. here

Grant to CAF to help children with diabetes

The CAF Philanthropy Support and Development Fund at the end of March 2018 announced the receipt of a 2-year grant from the Medtronic Foundation in the amount of more than 5.6 million rubles as part of the Alfa-Endo charity program. The goal of the grant is to increase the availability of quality health care for children with type 1 diabetes from socially vulnerable groups (orphans, single and low-income families, etc.) through cooperation in the areas of health, social protection and diabetes associations. Read more here.


Roszdravnadzor: Medtronic sent us inaccurate data on implant prices

In July 2017, it was announced that Johnson & Johnson and Medtronic had sent inaccurate data on prices for implantable medical devices supplied by them to Roszdravnadzor. This was announced by the head of the department Mikhail Murashko on July 14, at a joint meeting of the Coordination Council in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices under the Ministry of Health of Russia, relevant commissions of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Health proposed introducing state regulation of prices for implantable medical devices established under the state guarantee program back in 2015 in order to stabilize prices and limit speculation. Manufacturers of such medical products were supposed to send information about selling prices to Roszdravnadzor, but in a year and a half it was not possible to complete this work.

Moreover, some manufacturers provided Roszdravnadzor with inaccurate information. According to Mikhail Murashko, the agency received incorrect price data from large international companies - Johnson & Johnson and Medtronic.

"One of the manufacturers even behaved at the level of illegal actions," he said.

What kind of company is meant, the head of Roszdravnadzor did not specify.

He appealed to the representatives of the IMEDA Medical Manufacturers Association present at the meeting with a request to take action. IMEDA declined to comment on the situation.

The list of implantable medical devices includes 205 species, including shunts, vascular stents, prosthetic valves, hearts surgical threads, prosthetic joints, cochlear implants, plates for maxillofacial surgery[2]

Opening of a representative office in Yekaterinburg

In March 2017 Medtronic , she opened a regional office in - Yekaterinburg the fourth after, and Moscow St. Petersburg Novosibirsk. In the Urals, the company sees a large potential market. According to the vice president of Medtronic in, for Russia Elena Plyasunova most patients in the regions, high-tech medical care remains unavailable. Since cardiovascular mortality comes first, the company is promoting the treatment of acute coronary syndrome with coronary stents. According to statistics, stenting in Russia is received by about 7% of patients who need it.

Opening of a representative office in Novosibirsk

At the end of February 2017, Medtronic opened an office in Novosibirsk. He became the third for the company after Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the first - in Siberia. The new branch is focused on the entire region, and should cover Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk and Irkutsk at the initial stage.

"In Novosibirsk, we have been working for a long time, for example, with the SFBMIC named after Ak. Meshalkina, NIITO, with the" Federal Center for Neurosurgery, "in total - with about 60 medical institutions," said Elena Plyasunova, head of Medtronic in Russia. - And formalizing the presence in the region by opening a full-fledged office, in our opinion, will bring the manufacturer closer to the end consumers. Siberia is especially interesting to us - only in Novosibirsk and Moscow today there are Medtronic training centers. At the end of last year, Medtronic trained more than 5 thousand doctors in Russia as a whole. For the first time at the end of 2016, we also brought foreign specialists for training - five people were trained at a cryocurse at the Meshalkin SFBMIC. "

First Integrated Solutions Pilot

In January 2017, the company launched the first pilot project together with "Clinic" hearts in the To Samara new for Medtronic the business model - Integrated Health solutions ("integrated solutions in the field." - health care approx. "KS"). By order of the clinic, Medtronic will supply all the necessary components and consumables, as well as independently maintain the product warehouse.


Discussion of cooperation with the President of Tatarstan

In November 2016, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, who visited the United States as part of US-Russian Business Council events in San Francisco, met with Medtronic Vice President of Government Relations Trevor Gang.

Gang, addressing the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, said that there are no obstacles to developing cooperation with the republic - Tatarstan has a developed infrastructure, an attractive investment climate, and a high level of training of medical personnel. Minnikhanov proposed to consider options for cooperation with Eidos-Medicine. To enter the Russian market, it is necessary to consider the possibility of organizing a joint venture for the manufacture of medical instruments, he suggested. The head of Tatarstan instructed the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan to create a working group on this issue[3].

Creation of Stentex JV with Renova with the status of the only supplier until 2022

On June 1, 2016, the Renova group of companies, owned by Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, announced the creation of a joint venture with one of the world's largest manufacturers of medical devices Medtronic. A new company called Stentex is focused on combating cardiovascular disease.

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 855-r, for five years - from 2017 to 2022 - Stentex received the status of the only supplier of a group of medical devices for stenting, which are purchased by state medical institutions.

Stentex should create the largest research and production complex in Russia (the total area will exceed 11,000 square meters) for the production of coronary stents and catheters used in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome (occurs during the development of myocardial infarction).

2014: Hospital Solutions - a new model for working with medical institutions

On October 14, 2014, Elena Plyasunova, CEO of Medtronic in Russia, announced a new concept for working with Hospital Solutions medical institutions in Russia.

Hospital Solutions is the concept of Medtronic, it focuses on the collaboration and development of long-term partnerships with medical institutions in terms of the provision of services related to the efficiency of operational departments (catheterization laboratories, in particular) and improving patient outcomes.

Medtronic Hospital Solutions is focused on providing services related to the management and modernization of the catheterization laboratory, ensuring the efficient functioning of one of the most important hospital departments - the Department of Cardiology. This initiative was developed taking into account the changing health care system and, according to the authors, it will help raise the quality of medical care in Russia to a new level.

The main task of Medtronic Hospital Solutions is to ensure the effectiveness and improvement of the clinical and economic results of the functioning of medical institutions. This concept provides for direct long-term contracts with hospitals for the supply of products and services that will allow to equip operating rooms without additional costs for capital equipment and will provide the staff of medical institutions with the opportunity to treat patients more effectively, facilitate their access to various types of therapy, while maintaining the quality of medical care at a high level. By managing the catheterization laboratory, Medtronic Hospital Solutions enables healthcare organizations to improve the quality and efficiency of the services provided.

The Hospital Solutions concept proves its effectiveness in European treatment facilities. One of the projects was implemented at the Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands in 2013. According to Maastricht University Medical Center estimates, through Hospital Solutions, the clinic saved €4.5 million in one year. With the help of Medtronic, Maastricht University Medical Center has introduced a modern management system aimed at training staff, developing a system of interaction with doctors and patients.

"We know firsthand the problems facing medical institutions in Russia and are confident that we can provide them with effective assistance in combating these challenges. We offer Russian healthcare something more than just a product: we offer long-term and integrated solutions that will allow hospitals to provide patients with better services in accordance with modern medical achievements, "said Elena Plyasunova

The Medtronic Hospital Solutions division, organized in September 2013, is responsible for the development of the Hospital Solutions concept. This unit creates long-term solutions that meet the current challenges of modern medicine related to the problems of population aging and insufficient funding for the health care sector.

2010: Medtronic LLC is registered

In 2010, the company registered in Russia a legal entity LLC Medtronic.

2006: Plan for production of Vitatron pacemakers in Yekaterinburg

In 2006, the vice president of Vitatron (the Dutch daughter of Medtronic) visited Yekaterinburg and signed an agreement with local authorities to organize joint production of pacemakers on the basis of FSUE Ural Electromechanical Plant. It was assumed that the new enterprise would be called Vitatron-Ural.

Vitatron pacemakers are among the most popular in Russia. Every year, about 1000 Vitatron pacemakers are implanted in Russians. At the end of 2005, the company became the world's first foreign manufacturer of pacemakers with Russified software, which expanded the possibilities of their use in all clinics in the Russian Federation (more than 60).

At this time, Russia produces pacemakers (domestic development) only in Izhevsk. But according to the chairman of the Ural Pharmaceutical Cluster, Eduard Rossel, they are already morally outdated.

2003: Opening a representative office

The company Medtronic has been present on the Russian market since the beginning of the 1990s, and as a Russian representative office since 2003. Specialists of the Russian office supply Medtronic technologies for the treatment of patients in the following areas:

  • arrhythmology,
  • cardiac surgery,
  • vascular surgery,
  • neurosurgery, diabetes,
  • intraoperative navigation and
  • spinal surgery.

The Russian representative office of the company coordinates the development of the market and therapies, the conduct of clinical trials and clinical monitoring, as well as organizes training of professionals in all areas of activity.
