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Microbor Technology



Microbor is one of the most modern enterprises in Europe for the production and development of ultra-hard composite materials and tools located in the Russian Federation.

For 2023, Microbor is actively developing sales in the world market, including in the CIS, EU, Britain, India and China.


2024: Production of hard alloy cutting tools launched in Moscow for 400 million rubles

In the special economic zone "Technopolice Moscow" at the site "Pechatniki" in June 2024, the launch of serial production of hard alloy plates for turning and milling metal was held. The new production, investments in which exceeded ₽400 million, is aimed at replacing imported analogues in the Russian market.

According to Vedomosti, the Microbor company, which has been a resident of the SEZ since 2019, initiated the project. Part of the funds for the sale of production was received in the form of a preferential loan from the Industrial Development Fund in the amount of ₽247 million.

Moscow, launched the production of hard-alloy cutting tool for 400 million rubles

The Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky said that after reaching the design capacity, the enterprise will produce up to 3 million pieces of plates annually. The company produces over 9 thousand products for metalworking.

Gennady Degtev, General Director of the SEZ "Technopolice Moscow," noted that the technological process for the production of new hard alloy plates was developed in its own scientific and technical center "Microbora." The unique technology significantly increases the wear resistance of the cutting tool, which increases the performance of metalworking without loss of quality and reduces the cost of production.

The launch of new production contributed to the creation of 20 additional workplaces. In 2024, Microbor plans to expand its workforce and move from the category of small to medium-sized businesses.

The manufacturer's products are used by more than 650 companies in Russia and friendly countries. Among the largest domestic customers are Severstal, NMLK, Metalloinvest, EVRAZ, GAZ, Avtovaz, Rosselmash and TMK.

Pavel Reshetov, General Director of Microbor LLC, said that the modern equipment installed by the company in the Moscow Technopolice SEZ allows you to create products at the level of leading world analogues.[1]

2009: Production with Rusnano of cutting tools made of superhard material based on micro- and nanopowders of cubic boron nitride

In 2009, the state corporation Rusnano and Microbor Technologies LLC began a project to create a production of cutting tools from superhard material based on micro- and nanopowders of cubic boron nitride. The joint project company Microbor Nanotech CJSC should widely supply products to the domestic and international markets.