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Ministry of Culture of the Ryazan Region




+ Ministry of Culture of the Ryazan Region

The Ministry of Culture of the Ryazan Region is the central executive body of state power of the Ryazan Region of special competence, carrying out executive and administrative activities in the territory of the Ryazan Region in the field of culture, conducting state policy, carrying out sectoral and intersectoral management, coordinating activities in these areas of other central and territorial executive bodies of state power of the Ryazan Region, state institutions.


2015: Reorganization into the Ministry of Culture of the Ryazan Region

By Decree of the Government of the Ryazan Region of July 29, 2015 No. 182[1], the Ministry of Culture of the Ryazan Region was recognized as the successor of the Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region, with the exception of powers to preserve, use, popularize and state protection of cultural heritage sites.

Decree of the Government of the Ryazan Region of December 28, 2012 No. 413 "On Approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region" was declared invalid.

2012: Reorganization into the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region

By Decree of the Government of the Ryazan Region of December 28, 2012 No. 413[2], the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region was recognized as the successor to the Committee on Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region.

2008: Activities of the Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region

The Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region was the central executive body of state power of the Ryazan Region of special competence, which carried out executive and administrative activities in the territory of the Ryazan Region in the field of culture and tourism, in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects, conducting state policy, implementing sectoral management, functional regulation in this area.

The Committee on Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region was the successor of the Department of Culture and Mass Communications of the Ryazan Region and the Department of Tourism of the Ryazan Region[3].
