My Clinic (MyClinic)
Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
OJSC "My Clinic," presented on the Russian market under the brand MyClinic since May 2010 - a project to create a federal network of medical clinics. The central office of My Clinic is located in Moscow. To date, 3 clinics have been opened in the North-West region: 2 in St. Petersburg and one in the Leningrad Region in Kingisepp. By the end of 2012, it is planned to open 9 clinics in Moscow. In addition, in the future, the company plans to open new clinics in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. The mission of the clinic is to take care of the health and well-being of our clients.
2023: Union Apart buys assets of German insurance group Allianz in St. Petersburg
The German insurance group Allianz sold its St. Petersburg subsidiary Medexpress. It was bought by Union Apart LLC. On the deal in early November 2023, the president of the CAO "Medexpress" Alexander Ivanov. At the same time, he did not become the financial terms of the contract. Read more here.