National council of the NSFR financial market
Main activities:
- Providing equal conditions of the competition (access to the state databases, account management of the GOZ enterprises, consumer loans and loans)
- Prevention of unreasonable increase in administrative load of credit institutions.
- Decrease in load of the capital and requirements to formation of reserves (Committee on taxation, accounting, reporting and audit)
- Expansion of access of banks to electronic state services (the RG on electronic state services)
- Development of the regulatory base for introduction and use of base of electronic PTS by credit institutions, implementation of a pilot project on connection to the systems of electronic PTS (the RG on ELPTS)
- Ensuring non-proliferation on credit institutions of a remote fiskalization (online cash register equipment).
- Consumer lending (Committee on consumer crediting)
- POD/FT (Task forces on POD/FT at KBFR Federation Council and WARDROBE TRUNK State Duma)
- Features of implementation of financial transactions with foreign citizens and legal entities (Task forces on POD/FT at KBFR Federation Council and WARDROBE TRUNK State Duma)
- Improvement of procedures of debt collection
- Gain of supervision of observance by telecom operators of the legislation on POD/FT, including at issue and replacement of SIM cards (Committee on information security, Expert advice on technology innovations in financial market)
- Fight against fraud in banking sector (Committee on information security)
- Payments (Committee on development of payment systems)
- Improvement of the legislation on personal data (Committee on information security)
- Improvement of the legislation on the electronic signature and electronic document management (implementation of the Interdepartmental Road map "Development of electronic interaction in financial market") (Committee on information security)
- Bancassurance
- Improvement of the legislation on counteraction to illegal use of the insider information and market manipulation (Task forces on POD/FT at KBFR Federation Council and WARDROBE TRUNK State Duma).
- Formation of a legal mechanism of counteraction to a design and detection of counterfeited bank guarantees (the RG on improvement of a system of accounting of bank guarantees).
- Optimization of legislative model of regulation of activity of financial authorized (ombudsman).