Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Top managers:
Galkina Natalya
The company developed communications system on the basis of technology of the brain computer interfaces thanks to which the user can mentally print on the virtual keyboard and without use of a voice or movements to communicate on the Internet: from social networks and messengers before viewing thematic and news blocks. The first-ever session of the international neurocommunication between Moscow and Los Angeles took place in February, 2018.
The project of the company allows to communicate to physically disabled people. Neyrochat will help people with such diagnoses as: Cerebral palsy, BASS, stroke, multiple sclerosis and different neuroinjuries (ChMT, spinal injuries and others).
Developing activity in other markets, the company started IQ cafe at the Moscow office where the people of different age who do not have problems with health can be engaged on Neyrochat. Neurotrainings are directed to improvement of different cognitive functions, such as: attention, memory, coordination. Occupations on Neyrochat are especially useful to children with a syndrome of deficit of attention, to school students and students during the raised intellectual loading (examinations, a session) and also to the elderly population for the purpose of fight against age changes of a brain.