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2023: Arrest of accounts for the claim for 424 million rubles

On November 23, 2023, it became known that the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory arrested the accounts of the supplier of medical equipment "NewMedTech." The reason was a lawsuit for 424.1 million rubles from the Perm GKU "Financial and Economic Administration" (PKU, is a subordinate institution of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory).

The proceedings are related to a contract for the supply of Intensive Care Ventilators Model MV2000 manufactured by Korean Mekics Co. These systems are designed to provide emergency care in the intensive care unit. They are suitable for patients of all ages - both adults and children. The contract for the supply of devices company "NewMedTech" (Moscow) concluded with PKU in April 2020, and the shipment of equipment was carried out in November of the same year.

The court arrested the accounts of the supplier of medical equipment "NewMedTech"

However, in July 2023, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor in the Perm Territory, during the control measures, discovered that the supplied devices did not comply with the MV2000 registration dossier issued by Flogiston-Med LLC in 2016. In particular, the devices had an expanded number of ventilation modes, did not coincide in size and weight. As a result, the department suspended the turnover of unregistered medical products, and FHU demanded that NewMedTech return the funds paid under the contract in full (424.1 million rubles) or replace the equipment.

At the request of the FHU, the court arrested only 7% of the total amount of the claim, taking into account the defendants' arguments that the company provides medical equipment in medical institutions throughout Russia and pays salaries to 86 employees. NewMedTech also notes that the delivered equipment received positive reviews from medical institutions.

This check was in no way related to complaints about the quality of the devices. Moreover, the ventilators that we delivered to the Perm Territory had improved characteristics when compared with those indicated in the regdosye, - says Igor Rozhkov, general director of NewMedTech.

Arbitration Court of Perm Territory Ruling on securing the claim