Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

GPB Investments


Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Since 2016
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
127015, Novodmitrovskaya street, house 2 building 2, floor 15, office 15-05


Newton Investments LLC is a professional participant in the securities market. The company provides brokerage and depository services in the financial market to individuals and legal entities.


2023: Source software and customer data found on the dark web

In January 2023, the source codes of the Gazprombank Investments service were discovered on the darknet. In these files (more than 233 thousand pieces in total), text uploads were found containing customer data, including phones, full name, email, passport series/number, by whom and when it was issued, division code, contract number and its date and other data.

It is not yet clear how reliable the information provided is, Newton Investments said in a statement. Data authentication has begun, and the supervisory authorities, which are also checking, have been notified.

The number of customers indicated in the leak reports is more than 10 times different from the real volume of the broker's customer base, the company said in a statement.

Data leakage through external hacking of systems is impossible today, since all client databases are completely isolated from the external network. A detailed investigation will be carried out on the results of which the broker will report additionally.

2022: Gazprombank sold control in the company to its management. Change of legal name to "Newton Investments"

In July 2022, Gazprombank sold control in the retail broker GPB Investments to its management. Legal name changed from "GPB Investments" to "Newton Investments."