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the type is the Internet company
activity - the Search system on the Internet
Audience - 3,005,897 unique users
the industry is the Internet
products - Services
languages - Russian
phone is 84959269379 is the Russian search system. The first klasterizuyushchy and metasearch engine in Runet. The scientific Nigma project is created with assistance of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Stanford University. Attendance of the search system makes 3,005,897 unique users.
Project team
Project team of are cheerful and resourceful programmers who work on creation of the system constructed on the basis of developments in the field of artificial intelligence. Developments which are conducted by a programming team of the intelligent search system it is one more step on the way to creation of artificial intelligence. It is about modeling of intellectual activity using computers. An ultimate goal of all works — creation algorithmic and the software of the computers allowing to solve intellectual problems.
The project manager — Lavrenko Victor — the graduate of faculty of Calculus mathematics and Cybernetics (VMIK) of Moscow State University who was earlier working in company as the vice president for strategy and finance.
The technical project director - Chernyshov Vladimir who began work on Nigma, being still a senior student, at present is a graduate of VMK MSU and Stanford University.
Nigma performs search both in the index, and in indexes of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, AltaVista, Aport.
As of October 8, 2008 in the total index of all these search systems there are more than 6'000'000'000 Russian-language documents.
On the basis of the entered user query of Nigma creates the document list, separated into several classes (clusters). The user can specify in what class to continue search, thereby having improved relevance of search results. The user can also exclude classes of the websites, for example the documents unnecessary it which came from online stores (for them the special cluster forms).
The list of clusters is output to the left of the list of search results. For each cluster the phrase forming it and the number of documents in a cluster is specified. The user can manage clusters by means of special links under the list of clusters.
For example request:
Nigma supports the Russian morphology. The morphological module for Russian of own development is used.
Earlier in support of morphology was implemented through sending in search systems of duplicative requests in which common morphological forms of required words are given. At the same time, unlike the available implementations of the Russian morphology for search systems, the offered algorithm did not sokrashchayet, and uvelichivayet the number of the found documents as morphologically changed request integrates with initial. The relevance also increased as special algorithms of consolidation of results were used.
Thus, through Nigm'U for example it was possible to look for documents in the index of Google taking into account the Russian morphology, even at that time so far Google did not support the Russian morphology. Now need for this technology disappeared as all leading search systems support the Russian morphology.
Artificial intelligence
Nigma uses artificial intelligence, based on neural network, for the choice of more relevant results.
Language syntax of requests
Operators of AND and + By default it is considered that the words separated by spaces are the same that the words separated by + operator, or operator of "AND" — all three forms of requests are equivalent (an AND b — we are interested in both the word "a" and the word "b"). For example, requests a pink panther, pink + a panther and pink AND a panther for the search system will be indistinguishable.
Operator of OR Sometimes some words of a request for you equivalents, for example "download" also "download", then the search system can specify through operator of "OR" between these words that it is enough to find pages with any of these words. Pages on which there is at least one of words will be found. Examples: a hippopotamus of OR a hippopotamus, music of a MP3 (to download OR download)
Operator"" If you want to find pages on which the set phrase meets, in a request quote it. It can be train, for example by search of some poem or lyrics in the known line. Compare results: "the frost and the sun — day wonderful" both a frost and the sun — day wonderful the Phrase quoted is looked for entirely without change of a words order and without word forms, i.e. nakhodyasya only exact occurrences of this phrase.
The operator - Sometimes in results on some requests not only information necessary to you is issued, but also another is a lot of. For example, at the request of "growth window" will be issued as results about propaganda posters of Soviet period, and about the firm of the same name which is engaged in production of windows. Let's say we need to find information on posters. Unnecessary results can be filtered through the - operator delivered before that word which you want to exclude from search results. Let's specify growth window request through - operator: growth windows - PVC - production - the via
Site operator If it is required to find the pages satisfying to a request and being on a certain website add to a request the operator "site: adres_sayt". It is possible to look for on several websites at once. On demand: nigma site: will be found the pages from the website containing the word "nigma". And on demand: site news: site: will find news, from two websites. It is possible to specify the website address to subdomains, for example such request: site news: auto.utro. ru sets search only in the specified subdomain (, results from other subdomains will be ignored.
Advanced queries
Brackets allow to group the words of a request for application of the operator to them. For example: the microwave oven of Samsung (the management of OR documentation) the words "management" and "documentation" are integrated by brackets in order that the operator of OR was applied only to them.
The spelling based on the dictionary made of real Russian spelling which authors of websites use on the pages, except for a slang of bastards is supported.
The system of error correction corrects gross errors (Yureylushkof, typos, offering the user at choice not one, and several options of corrections. The errors connected with the wrong choice of keyboard layout pattern [1]a fibgrf-error are adjusted (including combinations with other errors). The dictionary of the intelligent search system is expanded names of the known brands which the user can type in a line of a request even in Russian as Nigma automatically expands search with alternative writing of a brand.
Interpretation of reductions
In there is a service of interpretation of reductions. Reductions are entered into search string and in parallel with document retrieval search of interpretations of reductions is conducted. Interpretations which received confirmations in the found documents are included in the list of clusters. And those interpretations which did not receive confirmation by documents get to a special pseudo-cluster of Abbreviation. Examples:
- IMHO , but also here so imho
- php
Mathematical service
The Nigma system allows not only to make the simplest arithmetic conversions, but also to solve mathematical problems of different degree of complexity. Also Nigma distinguishes more than one thousand physical, mathematical constants and units of measure that allows to make transactions with a set of values (including to solve with them the equations) and to receive the answer in required units of measure. In addition to the equations a system solves all problems characteristic of calculators of search systems and currency converters. However Nigma is able to consider in fractions and knows all-usable synonyms of currencies. So, for example, it is possible to consider how many wooden in a dollar. Using new service users will be able to solve different mathematical problems (to simplify expressions, to solve linear and quadratic equations, systems of equations, the equations with units of measure, to convert currencies, to calculate the number module, to simplify trigonometrical expressions, to reduce fractions and many other things), entering them directly into search string in the form of the strict or mild (normal) text.
Examples of expressions:
- 8/13+2/3
- x+ a root from x=2 (x-1
- cos^2x+sin^2x
- 2 h * 30 m/min = x
- 3 GBP + 1 euro in dollars
- 2x-y=4, 3y+x=9
- x+1=0
Now Nigma developers work on creation of an additional opportunity: solution course output.
Service for chemical reactions
A system allows to run for search on more than 12000 inorganic reactions. Substances can be written as by means of names ("sodium chloride", "rock salt"), and in the form of formulas ("NaCl"). For the entered set of one or several substances a system will try to find reactions with their participation.
If the user wants to find a certain reaction, he enters substances, separating them the signs "+", for example, "sodium hydroxide + HCl". A system will find all reactions with participation of NaOH and hydrochloric acid. Developers provided an opportunity to specify from what party in reaction there are required substances. For example, if to write equal sign after substances: "2KOH + H2SO4 =", Nigma will find only those reactions where potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid are in initial substances. If the user writes equal sign before reaction: " = NaCl + H2S", Nigma will find those reactions where in end products there are a rock salt and hydrogen sulfide. If the user specifies substance and an end product: "KOH = KCl", that Nigma will find all reactions in which of potassium hydroxide its chloride turns out. Except a molecular formula for the reactions going in solutions, a system issues an ionic formula which will help those who learn chemistry, it is better to understand an essence of chemical processes. In certain cases a system can prompt to the user why required reaction is impossible. For example, if to ask Nigma what will be in interaction "K + NaOH", a system will give the answer: "In water solution there is not specified reaction, and interaction of potassium with water".
Search of chains of chemical reactions
The development team of expanded a search functionality on chemical reactions. In the new version an opportunity which for certain will be pleasant to many school students is implemented. Now it is possible to look for not one reaction, and at once the whole chain, for example: NaCl = Na = NaH = NaOH = NaHSO3. A system will break a chain into stages and will in detail describe how from one substance to receive another. For separation of stages it is also possible to use arrows, for example, so: Fe-> FeS-> H2S-> S-> Na2S2O3-> Na2S4O6. In chains there can be also unknown substances which can be designated by the letter "X": Ag-> X-> AgNO3-> X-> Ag(NH3)2OH-> X-> Ag and also a question mark and dots: Cu2O-> X-> CuSO4->?-> CuCl2->...-> Cu2O.
Service of the latest news
In response to a request users will see three latest news directly on the page of search results.
Developers indexed and more than 3500 rss-tapes of media and popular blogs processed data. On the website there is also a form through which users can add news resources to the index of the search system. The database of news is updated each 5 minutes.
Automatic filling
First, a system offers options on the basis of the previous requests of users of
Secondly, opposite to the offered examples of autocompletion the most relevant websites connected with the user's request are displaid. Now it is possible to pass to the necessary website even without driving in a request up to the end, and having only selected it from the list and having keyed "to the right", or having just clicked a mouse the link. If the necessary website is in the first place in the hint, then it can be not selected, and to pass to it only using a key "to the right". For example, if to enter two letters: "on" and to key "to the right", the website gismeteo will open.
Thirdly, developers as much as possible simplified transition to the most popular websites among users of Нигма.ру. For example, earlier, to get on the website Odnoklassniki, it was necessary to gather 13 letters, to click "Enter", to wait for search issue, and then to click on the first result. Now users of, holding key "O" several seconds, and then having released it, on the website Odnoklassniki right there will get. The same will be when clicking keys: "in" (the user will get on the website of VKontakte), "ю" (""), "з" ("зайцев.нет"), etc. And the user does not need to switch language - instead of "about" it is possible to click "j" and it will also be redirected on the website of schoolmates.
Search in musical files
Through the Music tab, Nigma's users will be able to find and at once to listen to the favourite song directly on the page of search results ("Vivaldi Seasons"). The search robot finds musical files in the Internet and indexes the tags which are contained in these files.
When the user looks for in the music tab, Nigma finds musical files, and the user as results receives direct references on them. Now the search system indexed 1.600.000 audio of files. Developers plan expansion of base following 2009.
- On April 12, 2005 the alpha is started
- On September 26, 2005 Nigma provided search to the website
- On November 3, 2005 Nigma and Yandex company signed the partnership agreement within which Yandex will deliver to Nigm-e search results in the XML format, and Nigma will place the advertizing block of Yandex.Direct
- On November 29, 2005 Nigma created own index
- On April 24, 2006 Nigma purchased hundred servers of original development
- On June 12, 2006 Nigma starts the AJAX interface for search
- On November 27, 2006 Nigma implemented the new mechanism of management of relevance
- On February 26, 2007 Nigma starts search in pictures
- On April 10, 2007 Nigma starts search in digital libraries
- On July 16, 2007 Nigma introduces the new system of error correction in an ekpluatation
- On October 8, 2007 Nigma holds testing of the new version of the search system
- On April 22, 2008 Nigma starts service of interpretation of reductions
- On October 21, 2008 Nigma starts mathematical service
- On December 4, 2008 Nigma starts service of the Latest news
- On December 18, 2008 Nigma starts service for automatic filling in search string.
- On December 22, 2008 Nigma starts service for search of chemical reactions
- On December 23, 2008 Nigma started search in musical files
- On February 10, 2009 Nigma opens own NigmaForum
- On March 11, 2009 Nigma starts a system on finding of chains of chemical reactions
Nigma in the press
Mirwww Nigma finds chains of chemical reactions
The First News Nigma finds chains of chemical reactions
Bybanner the Russian searcher was engaged in transformation of chemicals
Delfi expanded search in chemical reactions the Russian searcher was engaged in transformation of chemicals
Cnews of learned to find chains of chemical reactions
Cybersecurity Search engine started the new version of the Nigma-chemistry system
SearchEngines improves search in chemical reactions
Seonewson February 23 in Runet not a holiday
CNews Nigma understands the user from single letters
SearchEngines "Quick search" from Nigma Nigma started search in chemical reactions
— it is better for Introweb "" to perekhimichit... Internet search engine learned to solve the chemical equations
SearchEngines started the improved search in audio to files
Webplanet will free of charge lose 1.6 million MP3 files
CNews of started search in musical files
Cybersecurity Search engine improved search in musical files
Seonews Nigma will show news. Over issue of started search in news
CNews of will report news on search query
Regnum Users of can see three latest news on the page of search results
Telnews Nigma will tell everyone three news
CNews Nigma began to understand requests equations
Regnum Users will be able to solve mathematical problems in the searcher Search engine learned to solve the equations
Telnews Victor Lavrenko, "The existing search algorithms became outdated"
Mskit in search of an ideal. Nigm improves services
Kommersant Смысла.net (and Nigma will find)
Seonews Little heroes of the monopolized market
Nigm's Seonews will decode abbreviations
Seonews to Nigma three years
Seonews on April 1 in Runet
Seonews the Alternative of Google will appear in its cradle
Nigm's Webplanet will load with money finders
Nigm's Seonews subdued Stanford
SearchEngines " is the research project": interview with the head of development team of, Victor Lavrenko
Seonews Nigma's Horizons was broadened, and the literacy increased
Webplanet Nigma marks at homepages of Runet
Webplanet will save sight of programmers and system administrators
Eseo Victor Nigma.Ru: "Our purpose – algorithm elaboration"
Nigm's Seonews struggles with illiteracy
Seonews the Computer as a gift from Nigma
Seonews Not advertizing uniform is alive search
Seonews War with Yandex its weapon
Seonews Nigma and Yahoo! were born in Day of astronautics
Webplanet will give to users of e-books and chocolate
Seonews took a new level
Seonews starts the relevance mechanism
Seonews will get a financial support
Seonews "It Is Not Necessary to Make not worse, It Is Necessary to Do better!"
CNews the Search system Nigma purchased hundred original Softmart servers
Webplanet Nigma considers, specialists comment
CNews passed Runet for one billion
Webplanet Victor Lavrenko: "We first of all create new technologies"