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Non-profit partnership of "Suppliers of software products"


For coordination of efforts on fight against piracy in November, 2000 the Non-profit partnership of suppliers of software products (NP PPP) was created. NP PPP is consolidation in the industry of production of software and information products and includes 281 companies from more than 50 regions of Russia and also from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Estonia. Are a part of NP PPP as the large and known Russian and foreign companies working at the software market and small regional firms.

Partnership sets as the purpose to promote formation of the civilized market of software products in the territory of Russia, to its development and protection of interests of suppliers and producers of license software products and information services. For achievement of these Partnership is more whole:

  • represents the interests of the members in the field of suppression of violations of the rights to reproduction and distribution of the computer programs, databases and information services in the territory of Russia;
  • cooperates with authorities and law and order on development and decision making, directed to creation of a favorable economic and legal situation for developers and sellers of the licensed program production including providing uniform policy in the field of fight against counterfeit products;
  • accumulates information on legal issues in the field of protection of intellectual property, to experience of interaction with authorities and law enforcement agencies, practical anti-counterfeiting activities that finds reflection in the published benefits and reference books, materials published in the closed section of the website of Partnership;
  • performs methodical providing members of partnership and law enforcement officers concerning protection of intellectual property in the field of IT technologies;
  • initiates and wages campaigns in mass media;
  • through a series of educational programs influences younger generation for the purpose of formation conscious and respect for intellectual property; stimulates interest;
  • performs collecting, storage and information analysis about the market of software products.

Software providers are interested in that their interests before law enforcement agencies in regions were represented not so much by certain partners, how many Partnership as the organization specializing in protection of the exclusive rights.

Since 2002 NP PPP is the associated member of AP KIT Association — the industry public organization solving more wide range of questions in the field of IT.

The association of the enterprises of computer and information technologies (AP KIT) is formed in November, 2001 by Software to the list of participants this most representative non-commercial consolidation of the IT industry. Her members are the largest domestic and world companies in the field of the software, productions of computers and the equipment, the leading domestic distribution companies, system integrators, the Russian producers and developers. The companies which are a part of AP KIT occupy up to 70% of legal market on many positions.

Members of NP PPP have an opportunity to obtain information on activity of Association, its plans and programs, to use materials of Association, to take part in work of the thematic commissions and committees. In return the management of NP PPP will make all efforts for immediate finishing materials and documents if like those are developed within AP KIT, to members of NP PPP.

In June, 2003 at a board meeting of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation AP KIT Association is accepted by the unanimous solution in members of CCI. Thus, NP PPP as the associated member of AP KIT, became the member of CCI of the Russian Federation. The associated membership of NP PPP in AP KIT in no small measure promoted successful passing of procedures of acceptance in members of the all-Russian CCI. According to regulations, the organization which is widely provided in regions of Russia can become the member of CCI of the Russian Federation.

NP PPP is open for cooperation with all suppliers of a licensed software, profile public organizations and with gratitude will accept any useful tips which will allow to improve a situation in the Russian market of software products.

For March, 2016 NP PPP includes 305 members representing more than 150 cities and more than 60 regions. Among the major tasks there are legislative changes directed to support of domestic manufacturer of software, improvement of the sphere of Internet trade using import substitution mechanisms and also on creation of opportunities for development of IT in the field of state services.

It is obvious that by 2016 the revealed crimes committed according to Article 146 became less, however not only their quantity, but also quality changed. If in 2007-2008 many cases on illegal retail distribution of software ("lotochny trade" in counterfeit disks) were considered, then now this problem practically disappears. To operational divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and investigating bodies more complex cases against illegal users, or against implementers distributors or distributors on the Internet come to light and investigated.

Especially volumes of illegal distribution on the Internet of updates of different application programs disturb though volumes of distribution of the software distribution kits and it was reduced. "Black implementers" remain a problem, especially with the advent of their new "remote" version.