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Nova Tour (NOVA TOUR)


Nova Tour company, the Russian producer of tourist equipment and clothes for active holiday.


The 1996th became year of birth of a trademark of NOVA TOUR already far. Do you remember this time? Shelves of shops began to be filled with goods for tourism and rest of the Russian and foreign brands. The era of total deficit remained behind. But here prices …

Income of most of the population was at that time not high and to dare overpay only for "brand" people just could not. And there was no wish to buy cheap Chinese or "made on a knee" products. The trademark of NOVA TOUR became that offer for which people waited long ago! The qualitative, functional equipment at reasonable prices quickly found the consumer.

Literally the name of the brand can be translated as "a new travel". And the equipment of NOVA TOUR became valid for many a new travel. And not one!

What do you collect, going to a travel? That's right! Backpack. Backpacks were the first products which are turned out under the Trademark of NOVA TOUR. You will find in a model range, repeatedly upgraded, checked by time and kilometers of roads, models of backpacks Vitim and Hunter also now. These backpacks are not similar at all to those which were issued in 1996. But the concept and names of models remained. A simple and reliable backpack without excess "frills". In a year two models of tents were added to them. Then several models of sleeping bags.

In 1998 in Russia there was a crisis which became serious testing for many yet not strengthened Russian companies. The income of the population fell to a minimum, the import goods promptly disappeared from shelves of shops. But these changes gave an impulse to development of the Company "NOVA TUR"" which was ready to work and create a product for not the simple Russian market.

Products under the name of NOVA TOUR are developed and made for the Russian operating conditions.

The equipment of NOVA TOUR is created taking into account a geographical, climatic and economic situation of Russia. It considers the developed style of rest in our country, it was initially created for Russia. Russia with its boundless open spaces, lack of the developed infrastructure, abundance of the rivers, lakes, mountains and forests is simply created for outdoor recreation! The only thing that it is necessary for you for this purpose - desire and reliable equipment.