Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



The limited liability company "The specialized research and production center "Pozhoboronprom" is created in May, 2001 at the initiative of the Ministries and departments of defense industry of Russia, the ministry of nuclear power, Emercom of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc. for the purpose of ensuring comprehensive industrial, ecological and fire protection of especially important state and private objects of the country.

SNPTs "Pozhoboronprom" is the holding company created at the initiative of at once several ministries and departments of state bodies of the Russian Federation for the purpose of ensuring comprehensive industrial, ecological and fire protection of especially important state and private objects of the country.

Official legal entity SNPTs "Pozhoboronprom" was formed as a result of consolidation of several firms, including. The St. Petersburg Fund of fire safety, the specialized research and production center "Protection and Rescue", Ekont company which performed more than ten years the activity and had long-term experience in the field of providing with the fire-prevention equipment, fire and technical arms, rescue means and individual protection equipment of firefighters and rescuers.

SNPTs "Pozhoboronprom" is the specialized organization as a part of the numerous Russian firms providing the market of services in the field of industrial, environmental and fire and explosion safety of objects of the national economy. Distinctive feature of SNPTs "Pozhoboronprom" from the similar organizations is existence in the Center of the first department and the federal license of FSB for work in above the listed areas on objects of Ministry of Atomic Energy and military industrial complex.