Donor bank of ova
In February, 2016 Reprobank announced the Russian bank of reproductive cages and fabrics start of donor bank of ova. Use of ova of the donor – one of methods of treatment of infertility at women who due to various reasons cannot reach pregnancy using own ova. The directory of Reprobank totals about 200 donors of ova for February, 2016. Since 2013 Reprobank provides to the clients access to hundreds of donor samples of sperm. The directory of donors of sperm of Reprobank is one of the biggest in Russia: more than 75 samples in own cryobank and more than 500 donors from the California Cryobank directory.
"Opening donor bank of ova we delivered a level at the same high level, as well as in donor bank of sperm. - the head of Reprobank Avtandil Chogovadze comments is, first of all, a wide choice of donor material that each woman could pick up the donor of the most suitable under her phenotypical characteristics, this expanded physical examination, including genetic. On each donor of ova at us well there is a lot of additional information. In addition to standard for Russia blood types, colors of eyes and hair we provide to clients children's photos of donors (and for some, and adults), information on education and employment, on a hobby, hobbies, record of a voice and many other things. Thanks to modern and reliable technologies of storage and transportation of cellular material, we could achieve nearly 100% of a razmorazhivayemost of donor cages I hope that our approach will help a great number of women to find happiness of motherhood".
Freezing of ova
Freezing of ova in Reprobank is performed using a modern method of a vitrification – the superfast freezing allowing to avoid injury of ova and to save them for long term without loss of viability. In 2012 the American Society of Auxiliary Reproductive Technologies (SART) removed from the procedure of freezing of ova designation "experimental", referring to the fact that indicators of approach of pregnancy after a vitrification of ova, match use indicators at EKO of the fresh ova which did not undergo the procedure of freezing. Results of protocols using vitrifitsirovanny ova are put on one level from EKO with "fresh" cages what the big statistical investigations published in 2014 testify to (Glujovsky D, Riestra B, Sueldo C, Fiszbajn G, Repping S, Nodar F, Papier S, Ciapponi A. Vitrification versus slow freezing for women undergoing oocyte cryopreservation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD010047. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010047.pub2.)
Use for holding the EKO procedure of the frozen ova has the advantages: extra time (from 2 to 3 months) on physical examination of the donor, synchronization of cycles of the donor and recipient, stimulation of the donor and a harvesting of ova is not required. The ova saved in donor bank are defrozen, checked for viability and at once are impregnated by sperm. The received embryos are transferred to a cavity of a uterus of future mother.
Donors of Reprobank
Donors of Reprobank pass not only medical, but also expanded genetic testing thanks to which when using donor sperm from Reprobank risks of the birth of the child with the hereditary diseases, most widespread in Russia, are considerably reduced.
Also Reprobank offers the clients service of personal storage of reproductive cages: sperm and ova. Both medical, and social indications can be a reason for personal storage. Such as forthcoming chemotherapy or reproductive organ operations, professional activity, absence of the suitable partner. It is possible to use biomaterial at any time.