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The satellite platform of direct broadcasting Ricor-TV sent in October, 2014 to the partners to TV channels the letter on termination of license agreements in connection with the forced termination of broadcasting on an absence reason of the broadcasting license.

Ricor Electronics


+ Ricor Electronics
The Ricor-TV operator began provision of services of direct satellite broadcasting in 2009 with the Intelsat 904 spacecraft (the 60th hail. EL) under the Active TV brand. Its interactivity and so-called personal television became the main feature of the platform. Using a prefix, the developed company, subscribers can create sobstvennyt telekanals of favourite transfers, along with viewing to make a video to 5 channels, to write letters to the different estimates conducting, etc. Software the subscriber base of the operator made about 100 thousand households.

12.02.2014 The management of Roskomnadzor across Central Federal District carried out unscheduled inspection concerning Ricor-TV LLC as a result of which violations of varying severity were revealed. In particular, on a number of TV channels of an obligatory packet there were no subtitlings, in the same obligatory packet there were no radio stations of the first multiplex. And, above all - "the operator osushchestvlt broadcasting using a limited radio-frequency resource (satellite broadcasting) without license, than violates requirements of Article 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About Mass Media".

The operator quickly corrected the majority of violations and submitted documents for obtaining the universal license, but was refused. According to a source in the company, failure was motivated with a double citizenship of the major shareholder and company executive that, according to the management Ricor-TV,[1] is not true[2].

In May and September, 2014 arbitration courts on this matter took place, but in both cases the court took the part of the regulator and brought to the administrative responsibility Ricor-TV LLC for the specified violation.

Considering all above and also that fact that the operator did not manage to bring the project to self-sufficiency, the company management made the decision to close the project.

The stop of broadcasting is expected in November, 2014 (according to the sent letter, license agreements are terminated since November 1, 2014).

Negotiations with other satellite operators on transferring them subscribers with preserving of a packet of channels at them and rates, without painful replacement of the equipment, only with reconfiguration of antennas are conducted.


  1. [ the Satellite operator "Ricor-TV"
  2. will stop existence in November]