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Баннер в шапке 2



The leader of Russian electrical engineering, uniting 12 enterprises and dependent companies, which produce more than 3,000 names of electric motors, generators, control systems.
Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees
2017 year

Companies included in the concern

The enterprises included in the concern carry out the following types of activities:

  • development and design of electric motors (OJSC NIPTIEM)
  • production of a wide range of electric motors and generators by size and purpose (FEZ OJSC, VEMZ OJSC, LEZ software)
  • providing engineering services for the creation of energy facilities, both in the Russian Federation and abroad (Ruselprom-Engineering LLC, ETK-Engineering LLC, Turboengineering-Ruselprom CJSC)
  • development and implementation of a hybrid drive for transport (Ruselprom-Electric Drive LLC)
  • trade and procurement activities (LLC TD Ruselprom, LLC Ruselprom-Komplekt, LLC VEMZ-spectrum, OJSC Electrotechnical Corporation).

Leningrad Electric Machine-Building Plant

It has existed since 1933. In the electric machine market, the plant is also known as OJSC NEW POWER.


The former All-Union Scientific Research Design and Technological Institute of Electrical Engineering has been known for 40 years as a leading scientific and technical center for the development, research and production of low-voltage asynchronous electric motors with a capacity of up to 400 kW.

Vladimir Electric Motor Plant

Construction of the plant began in 1950. Five years later, the foundry building issued the first products, this event became the starting point in the history of the enterprise.

Safonov Electric Machine Building Plant

1961 By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 147 of January 30, 1961, a plant for the production of synchronous electrical machines was created in the city of Safonovo, Smolensk Region, on the basis of the Central Electromechanical Workshops of the Dorogobuzhshakhtstroy Trust.


The company was established in 2004 in the city of Yekaterinburg as a result of the separation of specialists from the design department of hydrogenerators of Uralelektrotyazhmash OJSC, in connection with the cessation of the production of hydrogenerators at UETM. In 2006, the company was enlarged due to the organization of the department of electric machines on the basis of leading specialists of the department of the Uralelektrotyazhmash plant of the same name, who have extensive experience in the design, production, installation and testing of large electric machines at nuclear, thermal and hydropower facilities, industrial water supply to the largest industrial enterprises, irrigation and shipping channels, at communal facilities, as well as for the needs of various industries and transport.

Ruselprom Trading House

The trading house began its life in the year and now has representative offices both in the regions of the Russian Federation and in other countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus.

Activity of Ruselprom Concern

OJSC "Concern Ruselprom" is a full-cycle enterprise that combines metallurgical, blacksmithing, press-frame, mechanical assembly, special engineering and instrumental production with all the necessary facilities for energy and auxiliary purposes. The main production facilities are located in the cities: St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Safonovo, Smolensk region.

Concern Ruselprom applies industry segmentation of consumers: the company's products work at the enterprises of mechanical engineering, timber processing and pulp and paper production, power, oil sector (including mining, processing, transportation), gas sector (including mining, and processing, and transportation), chemical production, housing and communal services, construction complex, mining, metallurgy, agriculture.

Upgrade of production facilities

In 2007-2009 at the factories of the concern were installed modern machines designed and manufactured by special order by world leaders of machine tools (Minster Machine, USA; Von Roll Switzerland, Switzerland; CAM Innovation, USA, etc.). The new equipment is unique for Russia.

Product Release

At the enterprises of the Ruselprom concern, the production of the following types of products has been mastered:

  • synchronous and asynchronous motors (0.18 kW - 32,000 kW) of various designs, including traction, crane, with a phase rotor, with a vertical shaft rotation axis
  • turbogenerators (630 kW to 32,000 kW)
  • diesel generators (100 kW to 3,500 kW)
  • hydrogenerators (production capability - up to 60,000 kW)
  • digital excitation systems
  • current collectors
  • dry transformers
  • smoothing current-limiting and reactors

Owners and Management

Board of Directors of the Company

  • Dorokhin Vladimir Vasilievich (14.06.1965) - General Director of ROEL Group CJSC, General Director of Ruselprom LLC, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Organizational Sciences.
  • Aganbegyan Abel Gezevich (08.10.1932) - Zav. Department of Economic Theory and Practice of the Academy of Sciences under the Government of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor.
  • Alexander Davidovich Berlin (25.05.1945) - First Vice-Rector of the International University in Moscow, Chairman of the Board of the Register of Professional Corporate Directors of Russia, Doctor of Economics.
  • Glovatsky Anatoly Vasilievich (21.01.1939) - General Director of Ruselprom OJSC.
  • Gorodnitsky Ivan Nikolaevich (19.04.1948) - Executive Director of Ruselprom OJSC.
  • Alexander Ikonnikov (05.04.1971) - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Independent Directors of Russia, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
  • Masyutin Svyatoslav Anatolyevich (14.07.1948) - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FEZ OJSC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Honored Economist of Russia, Professor.
  • Rusakovsky Alexey Mikhailovich (29.12.1952) - General Director of VEMZ OJSC, Doctor of Electrical Engineering, Academician of the Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
  • Trenev Vasily Nikolaevich (28.06.1957) - First Deputy General Director of ROEL Group CJSC, General Director of ROEL Consulting, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor.

The company's share in the Russian market of generators and large electric machines (from 1000 kW to 32.5 MW) is 40%, in the market of general industrial electric motors (from 0.18 to 1000 kW) - 35% (data for 2005).

Registered trademarks - Ruselprom, CombiDrive, Ruselprom


The concern was formed in 1991 as a result of the reform of the Ministry of Electrical Engineering of Russia. It includes several of the country's largest machine-building plants and the NIPTIEM Research and Design Institute.


On the basis of the enterprises "VEZM" and "NIPTIEM," which are part of the Russian electrotechnical concern "Ruselprom," a new production of traction electrical equipment sets (KTEO) is being created. The company plans to develop traction electrical equipment components for specialized vehicles and create their serial production. It is planned to produce equipment for quarry dump trucks, agricultural tractors, hybrid buses, and railway transport.

Among the competitive advantages of Ruselprom traction electrical equipment is a lower price with technical parameters comparable to analogues. The set of traction electrical equipment includes motor-generators, traction energy-efficient engines, power and control electronics. The use of a power electric drive in an electromechanical transmission allows you to get up to 20-50% fuel economy, increase productivity by 15-25%, reduce the level of emissions of harmful substances and operating costs.

By 2019, the annual production volume is planned to be increased to 2 thousand units. It is planned to export products to the CIS countries, Eastern Europe, Asia.

It is planned to invest 454.3 million rubles in the implementation of the project, including a preferential loan of the Fund will amount to 298 million rubles. 27 jobs will be created.

Alexey Rusakovsky, Managing Director of VEMZ PK LLC: "For our company, the introduction of energy-saving technologies is one of the priority areas of development. We have been working successfully in this area for a long time: with our participation, several projects have been implemented in the transport industry that have received worldwide recognition, we signed a partnership agreement with the Skolkovo Innovation Center, and joined the Green Car STP. With the support of the Industrial Development Fund, we hope to reach a fundamentally new level, which will contribute to serial production, the large-scale use of electric drive of vehicles and, as a result, humane attitude towards the environment, as well as allow the industry to avoid dependence on foreign manufacturers, and will secure the status of the leader in energy efficient engineering. "