Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Russian society of appraisers


Russian Society of Appraisers LLC — is created in 1993, the organization controls observance by appraisers of the professional activity of the legislation of the Russian Federation on estimated activity performed by them, rules and standards of professional activity, rules of business and professional ethics of the organization members and other documents of a binding character regulating activity of members of ROO.

Main activities of SRO ROO:

  • control of observance by appraisers — members of ROO at implementation of professional activity of the legislation of the Russian Federation by them about estimated activity, rules and standards of professional activity of the members, rules of business and professional ethics of members of SRO ROO and other documents of a binding character regulating professional activity of members of SRO ROO;
  • providing favorable conditions to appraisers — members of ROO at implementation of professional activity by them;
  • information and methodical support of appraisers — members of ROO;
  • development and establishment of rules and standards of evaluating different types of objects of the civil rights providing effective estimated activity in the Russian Federation;
  • representation of professional interests of the members in the state and other bodies;
  • the organization of occupational retraining, certification of the works and services performed by members of SRO ROO, holding seminars, conferences and round tables in regions;
  • protection of professional interests of appraisers;
  • independent examination of valuation reports;
  • consultation of appraisers and consumers of their services;
  • assistance to public authorities of the Russian Federation in development of the balanced state policy in the field of estimated activity in the Russian Federation taking into account the interests of professional participants of this activity;
  • assistance to development of self-regulation of estimated activity and to formation of the civilized market of assessment in Russia;
  • participation of specialists of ROO in work of National council in estimated activity