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2022: Marketing cloud platform for attracting and retaining customers enters the Russian market

On November 22, Scal-e will be presented at the Martech Expo "22 forum in Moscow on the topic of import substitution. One of the main business tricks of the company at the moment is to enter the Russian market.

The Scal-e product was included in two Forrester International Research Institute reports: the "Now Tech: Customer Data Platforms, Fourth Quarter 2021" Asia Pacific (APAC) report and the global "Now Tech: Customer Data Platforms, First Quarter 2022" report. French marketing and technology blog took advantage of the launch of a new Scal-e website to arrange the interview.

Scal-e CEO Christophe Alves has spoken to about the company since its 2018 takeover, discussed Scal-e's strategy, market evolution, its team and its vision for the company's future. TAdviser publishes a translation of the interview, which can be found here.