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2024: GAP "Resource" bought "Shuvalovo"

On February 14, 2024, the Resource group of agricultural enterprises (GAP) announced the completion of the transaction to acquire the assets of the Shuvalovo group of companies. Information on the value of the agreement as of the specified date has not been officially disclosed.

The perimeter of the transaction included such Shuvalovo facilities as a feed mill, three pig-breeding complexes, a meat processing workshop, as well as a complex for raising cattle of a dairy direction not in the territory of the Kostroma region. According to the information on the Shuvalovo website, the production volume is 75 thousand pigs per year, including 5,000 breeding animals, 3,000 tons of pork meat in half-ears and 1,400 tons of sausages and semi-finished products.

source = Shuvalovo
GAP "Resources" announced the completion of the transaction on the acquisition of assets of the Shuvalovo group of companies

GAP "Resource," in turn, is the largest producer of broiler meat in Russia. Products are produced under such brands as "Blagoyar," "Smoke Dymych," "Russian," "Our Bird," "Stanichny Sun," "Good Price," etc. It is noted that pig breeding is a new area of ​ ​ activity for the GAP "Resource." At the same time, the presence of its own base is necessary primarily for the stable provision of raw materials to deep meat processing plants for the production of sausages and delicacies. Therefore, the integration of Shuvalovo assets into the technological cycle will make it possible to increase production volumes and strengthen the market position.

The Kommersant newspaper, referring to information received from knowledgeable persons, reports that the cost of Shuvalovo's business can be about 500 million rubles, taking into account a net debt of 1-1.2 billion rubles and the book value of fixed assets of 1.6 billion rubles.

During 2023, the number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the production facilities of the GAP "Resource" are located increased due to the Vladimir and Vologda regions, as well as the Chuvash Republic. The new direction of the company's activity was the production of dairy products.[1]
