StarBlazer (Starblayzer)
Starblayzer LLC is included into Race group, the company is formed for development and promotion of services of StarBlazer which, at the moment, "StarBlazer of Cinema", the asymmetric and symmetric satellite Internet and also "Satellite cinema of StarBlazer" enter. The company is engaged in license distribution of media content and services of satellite Internet access.
Race, group
+ Race, group
The StarBlazer network is built by Race Communications company, operator of network of the satellite Internet StarBlazer – EVROKOM LLC. We invite to cooperation of owners of video and game content, Internet service providers, operators of "district" local networks and also the companies which are engaged in equipment installation of satellite Internet access. StarBlazer works via the Ka-Sat satellites (the 90th all territory of Russia, except Chukotka. EL), "AM Express 33" (96.50