Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Telecommunication and communication
Since 2006
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
127055, Butyrsky Val St., 68/70, building 1, Business center "Baker Plaza

Number of employees
2011 year

T.GROUPS is the diversified technical holding specializing in provision of services of a full stroke on equipment of construction objects and reconstruction by the engineering systems. Project lifecycle of T.Group holding includes all main stages on creation of ready-made solutions, namely: Design. Complete set. Installation. Service.

Foundation date of holding is on September 4, 2006. The T.GROUP holding was created as uniform structure of the interacting companies T.proyekt, T. set, T. installation and T. service, with the main management company T-Engineering.

The main competences of holding are:

  • Communication

  • IT infrastructure

  • Security

  • Automation and scheduling

  • Specialized systems

Main advantages of T.GROUP holding are long-term experience of implementation of a large number of unique objects, a broad spectrum of technical competences, complete project lifecycle. T. GROUP is a certified partner (status "SOLUTION PARTNER") and has technical support of world leading manufacturers of the engineering equipment and the software.

T. GROUP is engaged in development of the innovation directions in engineering: architectural video design (video interiors and media facades), sport show and training training of specialists.

T. GROUP represents a complete series of the engineering systems necessary for equipment of a modern Object of any functional purpose (stadium, hotel, trade and office center, medical or educational institution, industrial complex, an object of city infrastructure and others).

Today T.GROUP is a holding of the highly professional specialists who integrated with the offer purpose to Customers of effective innovative solutions in the field of project engineering. The T.GROUP holding provides services in equipment of construction objects and reconstruction by communication systems, security, IT - infrastructure, the specialized systems (different functional purpose) and also services in automatic equipment and scheduling of the engineering systems.

T. GROUP actively develops the activity not only in Moscow and the Moscow region, but also in other regions of Russia, performing works on sporting venues in Sochi for preparation and holding the 2014 Winter Olympics of and also within the request of Russia for receiving the FIFA World Cup 2018/2022gg (St. Petersburg, Saransk and others).