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TNS energo


Nastasinsky per., 4, bldg. 1

Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub


+ TNS energo

PJSC TNS energo Group is engaged in the sale of electricity to consumers and is one of the leaders of this segment. The timely decision to corporatize the Group (until May 2013, the company had the organizational and legal form of a limited liability company), consolidation of assets, as well as a large-scale rebranding, which started in August 2012 (the Company's former name is Transneftservice S LLC), allowed the company to further strengthen its position in the energy trading market.


As of May 2019, 28.6% of the shares of TNS Energo Group of Companies are owned by Sunflake Limited, 25% by Technopromexport IK LLC (65% by CSKA President Yevgeny Giner), 11.6% by TNS Holding LLC, 19.9% by VTB and 7% by Garant energo.


For 2017, the group includes:

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth by 51% to RUB 4.9 billion

One of the largest energy sales holdings in the Russian Federation, TNS energo, completed 2023 with revenue growth of 51% compared to 2022 - up to 4.9 billion rubles. Such data are given in the financial statements, which the company published in mid-February 2024.

According to Interfax, citing materials from TNS energo, in 2023 the company's net profit amounted to 51.26 billion rubles, while in 2022 there was a net loss of 5.49 billion rubles. Gross profit during this time increased from 1.9 billion to 3.5 billion rubles. The cost of sales in 2023 increased by 5.7% compared to a year ago - up to 1.4 billion rubles.

TNS energo completed 2023 with revenue growth of 51%

Other revenues increased from 44.6 million rubles in 2022 to 62.24 billion rubles a year later. At the same time, other expenses decreased from 10.4 billion to 2.1 billion rubles. As the agency notes, traditionally, these articles account for the revaluation of financial investments. According to the reports, the assessment of the company's long-term financial investments in 2023 just changed by 62.23 billion rubles.

As of the end of December 2023, TNS energo is a subject of the wholesale electricity market, managing 10 guaranteeing suppliers serving about 21 million consumers in 11 regions of the Russian Federation. By the end of 2023, the largest shareholder of TNS Energo with a share of 28.26% was Sunflake Limited (associated with the company's ex-majority shareholder Dmitry Arzhanov), 16.58% belongs to TNS Energo Penza LLC, Garant Energo LLC (a subsidiary of TNS energo Penza) owns 7%, TNS Energo Holding LLC - 12.92%, free float accounts for 1.84%.[1]



Start of trading in shares on the Moscow Exchange

On June 17, 2015, trading in shares of PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies began on the Moscow Exchange (Trading Code - TNSE).

On November 10, 2015, shares of PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies were included in the second quotation list of the Moscow Exchange.

Renaming subsidiaries

During May - June 2015, shareholders of subsidiaries of PJSC TNS energo Group approved decisions on renaming energy sales companies at annual general meetings of shareholders (participants). The new names of subsidiaries began to consist of the name of the management company - TNS energo - and the name of the region in which the guaranteeing supplier operates:

2014: Change in PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies

In December 2014, OJSC TNS energo Group of Companies was renamed PJSC TNS energo Group of Companies.

2013: Renaming as JSC TNS energo Group of Companies

In May 2013, LLC TNS energo Group of Companies was transformed into OJSC TNS energo Group of Companies.

At the end of 2013, the holding's area of ​ ​ activity was expanded to two more regions: LLC Garantenergoservice and LLC Energotrading (since August 2014 - LLC TNS energo Penza), according to the results of a competition held by the Ministry of Energy of Russia, were endowed with the functions of guaranteeing suppliers in the Novgorod and Penza regions, respectively.

2012: Renaming as LLC GC TNS energo

In August 2012, it was decided to rename the legal entity. So LLC "Transneftservice S" was transformed into LLC GC "TNS energo," retaining all the previous rights and obligations in relation to its clients and counterparties.

A large-scale rebranding process was launched in all regions of the holding's presence. Energy sales companies included in the Group were offered a corporate identity identical to the corporate identity of the management company - TNS energo Group of Companies. The main goal of the transformation is to unify visual standards in order to increase brand awareness and form a single corporate image of the group.

2004-2011: Regional expansion

Expanding its activities, TNS S LLC actively mastered new regional markets. By the end of 2004, the company was already present in 33, in 2005 - in 34, and in 2006 - in 36 Russian regions. Thus, starting with the supply of electricity to only one oil pipeline, TNS S LLC has become the largest dynamically developing independent energy sales company in Russia.

In 2006-2011, LLC TNS S acquired controlling stakes in Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Karelian, Tula (city), Yaroslavl energy sales companies, as well as in the Republic of Mari E. Subsequently, OJSC Energosbyt Rostovenergo, LLC Donenergosbyt and OJSC Kubanenergosbyt fell under the management of TNS S. As a result, a sales holding was formed to sell electricity to the population and other consumers in eight regions of the country. The company's consolidated revenue for 2011 exceeded 170 billion rubles.

2003: OOO "Transneftservice S" begins work for oil pipelines

Transneftservice S LLC (TNS S) began its work as an energy supplying organization on March 1, 2003, while the main activity of the company was the energy supply of trunk oil pipelines of AK Transneft. Six months after the first deliveries to the Perm Region, TNS S LLC supplied 5 Russian regions with electricity, and by the end of 2003 - 24 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
