Tatneft Transservis
Tatneft Transservis Management Company LLC is formed in 2006 in the course of restructuring of a transport complex of JSC Tatneft. 14 child managed companies located in different regions of the Republic of Tatarstan including Kazan are a part of Management company.
Now in operation there is modern and multifunction equipment in number of more than 3.4 thousand units: passenger, cargo and special transport.
The management company includes the following child organizations: Almetyevsk UTT-3 LLC, Tatneft-Transserviselabuga LLC, Tatneft-Transservissuleevo LLC, Elkhovtransservice LLC, Tatneft-Transservisnurlat LLC, Tatneft-Transservisaznakayevo LLC, Neftegaztrans LLC, Signal LLC, Tekhnotrans LLC, Transportnik LLC, Tatneft-Transservis-Kazan LLC, Bugulma UTT LLC, Yamashneft-Trans LLC.